Thursday, 21 February 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: February 21

How to use these prompts

Who is this woman?
Where is she performing?
How does her career progress? (Assuming it does)


  1. "And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
  2. "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn”.
  3. In 1931, the first hijacking of a plane took place. Write about people on a hijacked plane.
  4. Eric Liddell, the athlete who refused to run an Olympic race on a Sunday died in 1945. Write about someone who stands up for their principles.
  5. It's the last day of the Parentalia, a Roman festival where families get together and settle any differences they have. Write about a family reunion.

Character Names
Eleonora, Lenora, Eleanor, Nell, Keijo, Lenka

Character Traits
  • Loners who work best in a calm and secluded environment.
  • Very organised mentally but are often misunderstood when they try to communicate their ideas to others.
  • May be good at music, painting or photography.
  • Fairness and justice is important to them.
  • Willing to take on responsibility.
  • Interested in projects that will benefit mankind.
  • Their health can be fragile - they need to take care of themselves. May suffer from asthma and need to beware of heat and smog. Possible congenital conditions.
  • May be talented as a psychic or medium, and know things without having to learn them.
  • Drawn to the occult, black magic or secret societies.
  • Persistent effort brings success. Tend to be lucky with real estate and speculative ventures.
  • Mature and benevolent, but can lack warmth and empathy.
  • Possible careers are religion, philosophy, arts or crafts, natural healing or research.
  • Need to beware of road rage, accidents or running out of fuel.
  • May suffer from claustrophobia.
  • Persecution is possible, possibly even the threat of execution.
  • Family life is usually lucky.

Possible Themes

Reflection, meditation.
Delays, bottlenecks, traffic jams.
Public holidays.
Being continually on the move.

        A small chapel; a prayer book; a cello, a flute; a hammer; a microscope; medicinal herbs; a rope; a lighthouse; mushrooms.

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