Friday, 15 February 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 16

How to use these prompts

How did this wheel get there?
What kind of vehicle or machine did it come from?
What's the story behind it?


  1. In the year 600 Pope Gregory the Great decreed that "Bless you" is the correct response when someone sneezes. Write a story about someone who sneezes.
  2. It's Do A Grouch A Favour Day. Write about someone who does a grouch a favour. How does the grouch respond?
  3. "Hard work never killed anyone - but why take the chance?" Charlie McCarthy
  4. In 1998 a driver was caught in Montana doing 104mph in a 45mph speed limit. He told police he had just washed his truck and was trying to dry it off. Write a story in which someone comes up with a daft excuse for speeding.
  5. In the US, prohibition ended in 1933. Write about someone having a drink for the first time in ages.

Character Names
Kai, Juliana, Ida, Elias, Elijah, Ellis, Elliott, Liana, Julia. Jill

Character Traits
  • Responsible, trustworthy and honest.
  • Much sympathy for those who are suffering, so may become a social reformer for humanitarian causes. There is a danger they will get too emotionally involved with their causes.
  • Leadership qualities.
  • May experience a sudden success or rise in status but it will be hard to hang on to.
  • May enjoy, and have a talent for, the sport of fencing.
  • Direct and incisive with penetrating minds.
  • Often drawn to life-threatening situations.
  • Gamble with money, love, even their lives. If the risks pay off, they may receive military or civil honours.
  • There will be heartbreak in their lives which they find difficult, if not impossible, to cope with.
  • Danger of over-indulging in drink or drugs.
  • Rushing, being overly hasty, can lead to disorientation or injury.
  • May be abandoned b y their children.
  • Career may be in the military, law, diplomacy, astrology, music, writing plays, acting or teaching.

Possible Themes
Transformation; natural metamorphosis.
Growing up.


A double-edged sword; a great stone room with dripping water; an enlarged heart; forked lightning; a hare.

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