Monday, 25 February 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 25

How to use these prompts

Who is this man and what is his relationship to his young guest?
Are his intentions honourable?


  1. "I've only one hobby, and that is my wife." Anthony Burgess
  2. It's National Don't Utter a Word Day and Quiet day. Write about someone who cannot, or will not, speak.
  3. In 1974, Veronica and Colin Scargill set out to ride a tandem around the world. Write a story featuring a tandem bicycle.
  4. In 1859, the insanity plea was first used in court. Write about someone who pleads insanity in order to get away with a crime. Do they get away with it?
  5. In 1902, the first vacuum cleaner was built. Write a story featuring a vacuum cleaner.

Character Names
Liliana, Alma, Grant, Frederick, Fred, Freddie, Federico, Ola

Character Traits
  • Likely to marry early and have long-lasting happiness in love. An unusual pairing, such as an inter-racial marriage, is possible.
  • At their best: resilient and practical with an aptitude for business; likely to achieve great things.
  • At their worst: Childish, unreliable and naive, and likely to screw up the simplest things.
  • May take a long time to make decisions.
  • Nature lovers, especially water. However, there may be dangers connected to water.
  • Musical and mathematical talent.
  • Inclined to overindulge in food or other pleasures.
  • Natural, unaffected people who are friendly and talkative. May have a gift for public speaking.
  • Danger of changes in fortune due to mistakes, overlooking important details or trying to take on too much. They may find themselves having to sell their dearest possession - but it will be valued by the buyer.
  • Brothers will play an important role in their lives.
  • May be drawn to careers in dietetics, business, politics or counselling.
  • Do not always recognise their own weaknesses.

Possible Themes
Calls to action; announcements; advertising.
Heralding the dawn.
Ear plugs and blindfolds.


A bugle; a vat; a belt; fog; heavy rain.

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