Friday, 8 February 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 8

How to use these prompts

Who made these drawings?
Were they trying to tell a story, or pass on a message?
If so, what?
What happened to them afterwards?


  1. In 1983 the racehorse Shergar was kidnapped, never to be seen again. Write about a kidnapping.
  2. In 2014, McDonald's opened its first restaurant in Vietnam. Write about a McDonald's which opens up in an unusual or unexpected place.
  3. Today is the birthday of Jules Verne, who wrote Around the World in 80 Days. Write a story about an epic journey.
  4. "A Rebel Without A Cause".
  5. "Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless: peacocks and lilies, for example." John Ruskin

Character Names
Curtis, Courtney, Jan, Peter, Berta, Berthold

Character Traits
  • Their parents are likely to have suffered financial problems, which affected their early life.
  • Will have learned to turn obstacles into assets.
  • Travel abroad is likely; during their travels they will gather valuable knowledge which they will be able to use at home.
  • Reserved, possibly reclusive.
  • May follow a strict religion as a way to escape from the world.
  • Have high romantic ideals which will often lead to disappointment in love.
  • Strong sense of justice and a need to eradicate injustice, which is not always understood by others. They may suffer ridicule because of it.
  • May suffer an inner turmoil which can make them combative. In extreme cases this could lead to them killing someone.
  • Will either be large and strong, or weak and lacking in stamina.
  • Impulsive and unpredictable.
  • May suffer from some sort of limitation or oppression.
  • Likely to choose a career requiring movement. Business, politics or medicine are possible choices.
  • May have fertility problems.
  • Tendency not to trust people.
  • Danger of becoming bitter.
  • May suffer from appendicitis, alcoholism or possibly an incurable disease.

Possible Themes
Turning points.
Seeing things as they are.
Looking to the future.
Work and travel.


camel; a turtle; a monk; a dressing room.

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