Wednesday, 6 February 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 6

How to use these prompts

Write about the people who live here, and/or people who
come to stay for a holiday.
Perhaps they get snowed in...


  1. According to folklore, this is the snowiest day of the year. Write a story about a snowy day.
  2. "I turn over a new leaf every day, but the blots show through." Keith Waterhouse
  3. In 1935, the board game Monopoly first went on sale. Write an account of a game of Monopoly. Is it a family playing? A couple? Friends? Does someone cheat? Who wins? Did someone let them win? How does the game affect the relationships of the players?
  4. Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the British throne on this date in 1952. Write a story about a queen coming to the throne.
  5. "I shot the Sheriff".

Character Names
Vanda, Tea, Dora, Dace, Leland, Dolly, Dorothea, Dorothy, Doreen

Character Traits
  • Confident people who will go far and achieve much. However, the confident aura which commands respect and even fear can hide a lack of confidence beneath.
  • Capable of expressing their thoughts in a way others can understand.
  • When things go wrong in their lives there will usually be a friend around to rescue them, although the rescue may come at the eleventh hour, giving the impression the person has nine lives, like a cat.
  • They are physically and mentally strong and capable of bouncing back after a setback.
  • Success likely to come after middle-age.
  • Lacking in tact.
  • Trouble comes from their failure to admit their own limitations or incompetence.
  • Likely to travel.
  • Have moderate views on most aspects of life - rarely if ever hold extreme views.
  • Can be careless.
  • May have musical talent.
  • Adaptable and can be successful in a variety of fields including business, accountancy, writing, statistics or medicine. Careers involving travel or water are also likely.
  • Imagine themselves as a romantic hero or heroine.
  • There is a danger that they may give up too soon and thereby lose everything.
  • There may be times in their lives where there is financial disaster or even peril of death.

Possible Themes
Carelessness, foolishness.
Literature, drama, voyages of the imagination.
Jubilation and relaxation after effort and labour. 
The calm after the storm.
The ferocity of nature.


forest fire; a severed head; a glacier; account books.

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