Saturday, 6 April 2019

A year of writing prompts: 10 April

How to use these prompts

A busy city street at night.
You are walking down this street. Where are you going?
Alternatively, choose one of the people and tell their story.


  1. According to Celtic folklore, the sun dances on the water on this day and some people in Ireland still get up early to watch the sun dance. Write about some people who do this. As they watch the sunlight play upon the water, something very unusual happens.
  2. "Even the most distant and exotic place has its parallel in real life." Paul Theroux
  3. Encourage a Beginning Writer Day. Write about a young person coming to the decision that they want to be a writer. What do they do about it? Who encourages them?
  4. It's Golf Day. Write a story featuring a game of golf.
  5. It's National Siblings Day. Write a story about brothers and/or sisters.

Character Names
Anita, Margarita, Leroy, Beverley, Dion, Dione, Igor, Michal

Character Traits
  • Likely to travel, though not always through choice. Forced migration, exile or imprisonment abroad is possible.
  • They are excellent at planning trips if they do travel through choice.
  • However, accidents and shipwrecks could occur.
  • Will carry out their plans and not let issues from their past hold them back.
  • Make sacrifices for those they love.
  • Loyal and steadfast, they will have many friends. Their friends will influence them when making choices about which path to take but may not be powerful enough to help them out of any problems.
  • An open nature leads to a danger of being taken advantage of or ripped off. Word of mouth agreements are not fortunate for them.
  • Like comfort and luxury.
  • Can be overly intense which can make them enemies and even affect their health.
  • The intensity is sometimes hidden by a playful demeanour.
  • Ideological and eloquent.
  • May be zealous or fanatical.
  • Active people who need to be up and doing.
  • Often found in low status occupations. Could become a gravedigger, undertaker or sexton.

Possible Themes
Combat; fighting.
Determination to solve difficult problems.
Intensity of emotion.
Issuing challenges.


A boxer; a shovel; an open grave; pastel flags; a bowl of wine.

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