Wednesday, 3 April 2019

A year of writing prompts: 4 April

How to use these prompts

A chapel in a train? What's the story behind that?
Write about someone attending a service here.
Perhaps someone has chosen to get married here,
or willed that their funeral takes place here.


  1. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." Maya Angelou
  2. National Reading a Roadmap Day. Two people are on a road trip. One is driving, the other is reading the map. Write their conversation as they drive along.
  3. It's also Walk Around Things Day, a day for avoiding potential problems by walking around them. Write about someone who goes out of their way to avoid a potentially problematic situation. Does it work?
  4. It's World Rat Day. Write a story featuring a rat.
  5. In 2013, a 3D printer was unveiled which could create material very similar to human tissue. Imagine a world in the future where entire human beings can be produced by a 3D printer.

Character Names
Ivana, Isodor, Magdalena, Magdelene, McKenzie, Drake, Irene

Character Traits
  • Love speed and movement. They will be attracted to any career or hobby connected with speed.
  • Other possible vocations are medicine, electrician, horse racing or swimming.
  • They have a tendency to make wrong decisions both in business and in life partners. They can be gullible and misplace their trust. This may result in them being timid and indecisive.
  • If in the public eye they are well liked and popular.
  • Tendency to court danger, even attract it. Particular dangers around water and while travelling across the sea.
  • Clever with a keen intellect.
  • A gift for getting across new ideas and ways of being or looking at things. Often find it easier to communicate in writing than by public speaking.
  • Physically well proportioned but with a fullness of body and face.
  • Beneficial for them to have guidelines to follow, so belonging to a social or religious group with rules would suit them.
  • Frank and direct, which can occasionally get them into trouble.
  • May be a free spirit or a rebel.
  • Danger of becoming a workaholic.

Possible Themes
Connection to everything. Threads; pulling things together.
Caution vs calculated risks.
Traditional skills and stories.
Food and drink.


A blanket; a footbridge; a dark curtain; a space ship; a radar screen.

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