Saturday, 6 April 2019

A year of writing prompts: April 7

How to use these prompts

A team of vigilante superheroes meet for the first time.
What has brought them together?
What might be on the agenda of this meeting?


  1. "I wandered lonely as a cloud." William Wordsworth
  2. It's Museum Day. Write a story in which the exhibits in a museum come to life.
  3. It's also National Teacher Appreciation Day. Write a story about a teacher.
  4. In 1999, a Chicago soccer coach started a journey across America on a lawnmower, top speed 22mph. Describe some of the adventures he might have had on the way.
  5. Around this time is Walk to Work Day, in which Americans are encouraged to walk to work instead of taking the car. Write about someone who decides they will do this. What happens to them on their walk to the office?

Character Names
Herman, Hermina, Allan, Zina, Kermit, Joel, Bonita, Ashley, Ralph, Zoltan, Irma

Character Traits
  • Likely to face conflict in life, even though they are basically peace loving. If they are not careful, this could result in tragedy.
  • Males are helped to success by a female figure.
  • Reasoning and logic is important to them.
  • Talkative and sociable.
  • Some people will like them, but others will be envious of them and perhaps slanderous and vindictive.
  • Go to great pains to avoid violence.
  • Channel emotions into creative projects.
  • Keen intelligence.
  • Neat, particular and refined.
  • Can be critical of others.
  • Strong sexual nature.
  • Loved by their families.
  • Possible careers - electrician, poet, novelist, soldier.
  • Sexual problems, divorce and separation are possible.
  • Finance, estates or commodities may be a source of problems.
  • Tend to overwork.
  • May suffer from insomnia.

Possible Themes
Mutual respect and compromise.
Taking a break.


An empty hammock; a battlefield; a jellyfish.

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