Sunday, 28 April 2019

A year of writing prompts: 29 April

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
If they are a couple, how did they get together?
Who does the car belong to?


  1. The first known horoscope was drawn up for someone born on 29 April, 410 BC. What might it have predicted for them?
  2. "To touch the hearts of your pupils is the greatest miracle you can perform." Jean-Baptiste de la Salle
  3. It's World Dance Day. Write a story featuring dancing or a dancer.
  4. It's World Wish Day. Write about a wish that comes true.
  5. Today is the birthdate of the fictional character Don Corleone. Write a gangster story.

Character Names
Robert, Peter, Rita, Leticia, Dante, Zoe, Lea, Kent

Character Traits
  • Very fond of children - will either have a large family or work with children or young people and be popular with them. They could also choose agriculture or animal husbandry as a career.
  • Will be called to exercise authority in a field where uncontrolled or undisciplined beings come together.
  • Have the ability to make different factions come round to the same way of thinking.
  • Protective and paternal.
  • Determined, possibly stubborn.
  • They may reach an influential position through hard work, but it is equally likely they will become notorious for doing something ill judged.
  • Life is usually easy for them.
  • Tendency to be a martyr or a doormat and define themselves through what they do for others. Need to work on recognising their own self-worth.
  • Expect gratitude, but don't always get it.
  • Can be too trusting and blind to dangers which are obvious to others. Deceit and treachery are particular dangers for them, especially if they put their well-being in the hands of others.
  • Love nature and the countryside.
  • Work well alone.
  • Danger of death by drowning.
  • May be overweight and/or suffer from chronic illness.

Possible Themes
Self renewal through sharing with others; unconditional giving.
What people want vs what they need.
Celebrations which bring people together.


A fully decorated Christmas tree; a flock of sheep; pigeons; a new moon; presents.

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