Saturday, 20 April 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 20 April

How to use these prompts

A story set in Venice.
Perhaps your character is one of the people in the picture.
Someone on the boat, perhaps, or inside one of the buildings.


  1. In 1920 the Grand Canyon was dedicated as a National Park. Write a story featuring the Grand Canyon.
  2. It's volunteer recognition day. Write a story about a group of people volunteering for a charity.
  3. Today is Adolph Hitler's birthday. Write a story set in World War II.
  4. "The greater the lie, the greater the chance that it will be believed." Adolph Hitler
  5. If yesterday was the most likely date for Easter Sunday then today is the most likely date for Easter Monday. Write about a family's activities on a typical British bank holiday.

Character Names
Marcella, Marcel, Marcelo, Cynthia, Cindy, Amelie

Character Traits
  • Blessed with courage and will power. Will work at a task persistently and slowly until it is completed.
  • Clever and good at strategy.
  • Tendency to be quarrelsome or morose, possibly with a tendency towards cruelty, so they make enemies easily. However they can also be bubbly and persuasive.
  • They don't go out of their way to pick fights, but conflict often comes their way. When it does they will use diplomacy and trickery to defend themselves.
  • Indecisive, erratic and impulsive.
  • Lovers of nature, balance and beauty.
  • May have a talent for art or poetry.
  • May have strong intuition or even magical powers.
  • Likely to have a happy marriage and home life.
  • At sometime in their life, possibly in infancy, they will face a potentially fatal ordeal. Or, they may excel in an activity which allows them to defy death, or save others from death, and hence be seen as someone who conquers death.
  • Competitive, always want to win.
  • Can succeed in any chosen field of work.
  • Have the capability to adapt old ideas to new applications.

Possible Themes
Going with the flow.
Being in one's element.
Water, dams, pipelines, going against the tide.
Freshness, purity, clarity.
Fame or fortune.


A clear mountain stream; an athlete; a red garnet ring; a bush of red roses.

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