Sunday, 21 April 2019

A year of writing prompts: 22 April

How to use these prompts

Who is this a statue of?
What is the story behind it?


  1. In 2000, the Barbie Presidential Candidate doll was launched. Write about Barbie's campaign to get elected. What are her policies? Who is her opponent? Can she win?
  2. "In God we Trust."
  3. Take Our Daughters to Work Day is celebrated around this time. Write about what happens when someone with an unusual job takes their daughter to work.
  4. "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Robert Oppenheimer
  5. "Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea." Henry Fielding

Character Names
Alina, Amanda, Armand, Leonas, Trinity, Tristan, Leon, Lucas, Allan

Character Traits
  • Most likely to achieve success and happiness in later life, although they will thrive in their younger years, building up resources to support them.
  • May marry someone much older or younger than themselves, possibly for money or security.
  • Can be acquisitive and like to surround themselves with beautiful things.
  • Good judgement and insight into human nature.
  • May be artistic.
  • Good planners.
  • Enjoy travel and the outdoors. Have a need to spend time n nature sometimes.
  • Carefree and independent.
  • May hide their true selves at times in order to protect themselves.
  • May have a secret they can never reveal, and could develop a secret life.
  • Good at solving problems and mysteries. Always searching for more.
  • Attuned to spirit; may be, or believe they are, closely accompanied by a guiding spirit.
  • Resent social rules but won't let themselves break out.
  • Could go into management or reach high levels in the military. Maths and science are other possible careers.
  • Could come to an unfortunate end.
  • Problems from weeds or neglected land.

Possible Themes
Seasonal changes.
Gardens and paths.
Maths and science.


A lawn of clover; baskets of grapes; parallel lines; a sleepwalker; seeds.

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