Saturday, 6 April 2019

A year of writing prompts: 8 April

How to use these prompts

Where is this boat going, and why?
Who is on board?


  1. It's international Bird Day. Write a story featuring a bird. Any species you like.
  2. "We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship." Omar Bradley
  3. "On the morning of the eighth of April, Claude came downstairs and began to clean his boots, which were caked with dry mud." Willa Cather
  4. In 1983, magician David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear. An illusion of course, but imagine that one day people wake up and find a famous landmark (the Statue of Liberty or any other famous site you like) has vanished.
  5. Easter is around about now - write a story about an Easter Egg Hunt.

Character Names
Dana, Edgar, Julia, Al, Albert, Alberta, Elbert, January, Walter

Character Traits
  • Scrooge-like characters who are mean, stingy, misanthropic and greedy Hoarding wealth is of vital importance to them.
  • There is a possibility they will lose their wealth as a result of a natural disaster.
  • May well live alone as they prefer not to share.
  • Feelings are stifled by the need to protect their own interests.
  • Suspicious.
  • There is nevertheless a sincerity and nobility about them.
  • Passionate nature.
  • Marriage is important to them but can suffer due to their quarrelsome nature.
  • Tendency to overwork.
  • Good powers of concentration.
  • May be creative, charismatic and intuitive.
  • Mining is a possible career, but there is a danger of dying in a mining accident.
  • Earth sciences, acting orator or electrician are other possible careers.
  • Tend to scorn responsibility.

Possible Themes
Travel; escapism.
Astral travel.
Freedom of spirit.
Earth sciences.


A magic carpet; a chest of gold; a harp; an altar; an industrial town.

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