Saturday, 6 April 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 14 April

How to use these prompts

Why are these guys walking through the town dressed as rabbits?


  1. In 1912, the Titanic hit the iceberg. Write a story based around the passengers and crew of the ill-fated ship. Ghost story? Conspiracy theory? Plain tragedy? You choose.
  2. "The love boat has crashed against the daily routine." Vladimir Mayakovsky
  3. It's Ex-Spouse Day. Write about someone and their relationship with their former husband or wife.
  4. It's Reach as High as you Can Day. Write about someone who is trying to achieve a goal most of their loved ones think is impossible.
  5. In the French Revolutionary Calendar, today is the Day of the Pigeon. Write a story featuring a pigeon.

Character Names
Justina, Brady, Eula, Wallace, Tim

Character Traits
  • Fiercely independent people who like to go their own way whatever the cost to themselves or others.
  • Restless wanderers.
  • They are ambitious but may not stay in one place long enough to be really successful.
  • Tendency to be selfish and unwilling to compromise.
  • Not people to make enemies of. Dislike opposition and do not fight fairly.
  • Competitive, proud and powerful, but reserved.
  • Do not like to admit they are wrong.
  • Honest and trustworthy.
  • Look for the fundamental in any theory or idea.
  • Tendency to exaggerate.
  • Prone to outbursts of anger.
  • Police, literature, the travel industry, music or research are all careers they may be attracted to.
  • Vagrancy is possible at some stage in their life.
  • Insincere and two faced people may cause them problems.

Possible Themes
Virile strength and passion.
Primal forces.
Gallantry and courtship.


A ram; an outhouse; nettles; a sleeping dragon; five red roses.

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