Tuesday 15 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 16 October

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?


  1. For Maintenance Personnel Day, write a story featuring a maintenance person - a caretaker, odd-job man, or similar.
  2. "In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what we want, and the other is getting it." Oscar Wilde
  3. In the French Revolutionary Calendar, today was the Day of the Cow. Write a story featuring a cow.
  4. It's dictionary day. Find a dictionary. Open it at random. Note the first, or last word on the page, or use a random number generator to determine which word to use. Write a story using that word as a title or theme. For a further challenge, repeat this process two or three times and write a story linking all the words.
  5. Today was the date the spaceship in the TV show Lost in Space launched in 1997. Your story is about a family who are launched into space on a mission of exploration.

Character Names
Margarita, Monty, Kayleigh, Katrina, Ambrose, Florentina, Vladimir, Finn

Character Traits
  • Achieve success, either through having a devoted mentor, or by exploiting their good looks and sex appeal.
  • Vain and proud with a tendency to show off.
  • Even-tempered with a love of harmony and justice.
  • Easily understand the inner emotional needs of others which lends itself to a choice of career in psychology or social work.
  • Can be passive and a little dull, overly concerned with pleasing other people. They can, however, be unexpectedly impulsive.
  • Will aggressively protect their home, country or ideals.
  • Likely to have musical ability and love theatre and dance.
  • Progressive views.
  • Have good ideas but often ahead of their time, so will seem strange to others.
  • Poised, tidy and polite.
  • Tendency to have one foot in the material world and one in their inner world and can find it hard to distinguish between fantasy and reality - which can lead to their downfall.
  • Need to beware of flattery and focusing on things which have no lasting value.

Possible Themes
The turn of the seasons.
Death and decay.


An autumn leaf; a peacock; a Welsh harp; a Gothic horror novel; flowers; a crescent moon.

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