Thursday, 30 May 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 31 May

How to use these prompts

Who is this couple?
Where did they meet?
Tell their story.


  1. Big Ben went into service on this date in 1859. Write a story in which Big Ben features.
  2. On Clint Eastwood's birthday, write a story entitled "Make My Day".
  3. It's Heath Robinson's birthday. Describe a Heath Robinson type device to achieve a simple task.
  4. "Turn on, tune in, drop out." Timothy Leary
  5. It's Take This Job and Shove it Day. Your character quits their job in a dramatic fashion.

Character Names
Camilla, Helga, Angela, Petronella, Sherrie, Sheryl, Doyle, Isabella, Isa

Character Traits
  • Big-hearted types who may devote much time and energy to alleviating suffering and correcting injustices. May become famous as philanthropists or reformers.
  • May have the view that problems can be solved simply by throwing money at them or by spreading goodwill. May be unwilling to consider the more complicated aspects of the issue.
  • Likely to be thrifty and concerned with preserving natural resources.
  • Generally fortunate - their projects generally succeed.
  • Partnerships, including marriage, tend to be lucky for them.
  • Have the ability to be cheerful in dark times.
  • Adoption may feature in their lives.
  • Precise and careful.
  • Intelligent with artistic tastes.
  • Act with confidence in fast moving situations.
  • May become a doctor, scientist or priest.
  • Health issues could include eye problems and lung problems.
  • They may attract dangerous enemies. Danger of homicide or violent death.

Possible Themes
Hands and fingers.
Crisis management.
Acts of God.
Daredevil stunts.
Living in the fast lane.

An aeroplane; a glass of water; a gourd plant; a hospital nurse; a handsome vampire.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 30 May

How to use these prompts

Where does this path lead?
Who might you meet walking along it?


  1. "A man often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it." Joan of Arc.
  2. Write a story entitled "Put Your Best Foot Forward".
  3. In 1925, Percy Fawcett, a British explorer, set out in search of a lost city in the jungle. He never came back. Nor did several rescue parties which went to look for him. What happened to them?
  4. Today in 542 is traditionally the date of the death of King Arthur, who is said not to have died, but in the land of Avalon from whence he will return if Britain needs him badly enough. Write about the event which brings Arthur back to save Britain.
  5. In 1821, James Boyd patented the rubber fire hose. Write a story featuring fire-fighters tackling a fire.

Character Names
Ferdinand, Isaac, Lola, Lolita, Joan, Misty, Elwood, Scott, Jean, Felix

Character Traits
  • Multi-talented - can turn their hands to many things.
  • Intelligent and confident. Can be over-confident, which could lead to their downfall.
  • Good leaders.
  • Know from an early age what their calling is, but it may take until middle age for them to achieve success. When they do, they can become powerful and wealthy.
  • Likely careers are politics, law, the military, education and the arts. Will acquire dignity and rank and be trusted with work requiring delicacy and responsibility.
  • Can be critical and hard to get along with. Nevertheless, they are likely to be lucky in marriage.
  • Unfaithfulness, either by or to them is likely. They are huge flirts, but are not too hurt when they lose at love.
  • Often look younger than they are. Often tall and usually well-dressed.
  • Love solving problems and riddles and have much more patience for this than most people.
  • May enjoy playing chess.
  • Dignified and proud; fussy about cleanliness.
  • Likely to travel, and may marry someone from abroad.
  • Tend to be distrustful and suspicious.

Possible Themes
Pain and the causes of pain.
Accuracy and strength
Getting to the point.


A medieval archer; a king and queen; a labyrinth; a fine silver thread; a ruined temple; wild flowers.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 29 May

How to use these prompts

What are these two women celebrating?
How do they know each other?
Where are they?


  1. "An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly conceived." GK Chesterton
  2. On Pink Flamingo Day, write a story featuring a flamingo.
  3. When this date falls on a Sunday, it's Mad Sunday on the Isle of Man. Write about a mad Sunday.
  4. The pop up toaster was patented on this date in 1919. What does your character do while waiting for their toast to pop up?
  5. Mount Everest was first climbed on this date in 1953. Write a story about some people who set out to climb the world's highest mountain. Do they make it?

Character Names
Maximilian, Maxine, Magdalena, Rosalind, Spencer, Kennedy, Jean

Character Traits
  • Acute sense of honour and duty.
  • Can be intense and seem overbearing.
  • Ambitious and impatient.
  • There may be catastrophes in their life, but they will get up, dust themselves off, and carry on.
  • Marriages may not be happy - their spouse may not be supportive.
  • Can be happy working in an undemanding office job, but could also be inclined to prompt action and be rough and reckless, possibly even violent. Channelling this energy into an exercise regime may help.
  • They are fond of their homes, but their tendency to be irritable, irascible and touchy can make home life difficult. It's possible a sudden outburst will shatter their domestic life completely.
  • Aptitude for language and writing. They may choose a career requiring eloquence and creativity such as crafts or construction. An interest and aptitude for the occult may lead them to astrology.
  • May be attracted to careers related to iron and fire - fireman, blacksmith, etc. A career in the military or aviation is possible, as is surgery, politics, public service or administration. Possibility they will be overworked and under paid.
  • May suffer from heart trouble.
  • There is a danger they will suffer heavy losses from fire.
  • Can be greedy and obsessive.

Possible Themes
Fighting for freedom.
Strikes and demonstrations.
Bosses and workers.


A factory; a burning house; a blacksmith; an office; a ledger; a winged horse; a chandelier with lit candles.

A year of writing prompts: 28 May

How to use these prompts

Who has drawn this heart in the sky, and why?


  1. "The last rose of summer, left blooming alone; all her lovely companions are faded and gone." Thomas Moore
  2. On Ian Fleming's birthday, write a spy story.
  3. In 1742, the first indoor swimming pool opened. Write a story set at a swimming pool.
  4. It's Whale Day. Write a story about a whale.
  5. About this time, Clear Rain Day is celebrated in Scotland. It commemorates two people who discover something that gives them special powers. Rain also fell from a clear sky. Write the story behind this celebration.

Character Names
Emil, Minnie, Liam, William, Willie, Bill, Billie, Will, Wilhelmina, Willis, Wilson, Velma, Willa, Augustin

Character Traits
  • Beautiful and graceful. Good sense of harmony and balance.
  • Clever and articulate.
  • Have excellent memories but tend to lack original thought and imagination.
  • Pleasant, affable and treat everyone fairly - so will have many loyal friends.
  • Likely to have a happy marriage, and happy lives relatively free from suffering and unpleasant surprises.
  • Women will have a particularly close tie with a sister, possibly a twin. They may also give birth to twins.
  • Kind and generous.
  • May bemoan the fact that their social lives get in the way of their projects.
  • A lot of travel is likely.
  • Tend to be a soothing influence and are well respected.
  • May choose medicine, writing, linguistics, musician, craftsman, engineer or diplomat as a career.
  • Tend to judge by appearances, often wrongly.
  • May be affected by droughts (figurative or literal), stagnant water, poisons or moulds.
  • Horizons may be limited.

Possible Themes
Friendship and mutual understanding.
Natural wisdom, relationship to the deep source of life.
Grace and harmony.
Reliable things.


A well with a bucket and rope; a lake; a swan; a sailing ship; a table which comes to life and runs away.

A year of writing prompts: 27 May

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?


  1. In 1969, construction began on Walt Disney World. Write a story set in Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris or any other Disney theme park. How about a Disney theme park which doesn't exist yet?
  2. "There cannot be a crisis next week! My schedule is already full." Henry Kissinger
  3. On the birthday of both Vincent Price and Christopher Lee, write a horror story.
  4. It's also Cilla Black's birthday. Write about a blind date.
  5. He liked it so much, he bought the company.

Character Names
Leonora, Augustina, Myra, Preston, Jan, Austin, Julius

Character Traits
  • Animal lovers, likely to keep a lot of pets. They may even prefer the company of animals to people.
  • Intelligent and analytical, with good judgement, but sometimes detached from reality.
  • Can seem aloof, detached and unfeeling. Therefore they are not always popular.
  • May find success and even fame in law, science, education, literature, entertainment, sport, the military or trade; even though they prefer being at home with their pets.
  • Passion for fairness and justice. Will not let feelings cloud their judgement.
  • Will exploit others if they deem it necessary.
  • Likely to have a long and happy life.
  • Will have a happy marriage, but may have a number of failed romances beforehand.
  • Precise and cautious, but willing to try new things and challenge the existing order of things.
  • Conscientious, capable and efficient - they finish what they start.
  • Can be too idealistic.
  • May suffer from anxiety or depression.
  • Danger of injuries to the head as a result of violence, including injuries that may threaten their sight.
  • Tendency to over-indulge and there could be a gambling problem.

Possible Themes
Sudden events.
Getting to the bottom of things.
Oil, oil wells and drills.


Oil wells; a juggler; a book; scales; a plumb line; farm animals; a claw foot holding a ball; a rock group performing on a rotating stage.

A year of writing prompts: 26 May

How to use these prompts

What might be happening here?
Tell the story.


  1. "Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
  2. It's Celebrity Marriage Day. Write about a celebrity wedding where the celebrities concerned go way over the top.
  3. It's sacred well dressing day. Write a story which features a well - sacred or otherwise.
  4. In 1977, the human fly, George Willig, scaled the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. Write about a character who performs a similar feat. Why do they do it? Do they succeed? What happens next?
  5. National Senior Health and Fitness Day is about now. Write about a group of elderly people who meet every day at a gym.

Character Names
Philip, Minna, Vilma, Vilhemina, Evelyn, Edward, Varis, Bernice, Zachary, Zack, Paulina, Eva, Lily, Marianne

Character Traits
  • Not overly concerned with material wealth, although their imagination and artistic gifts will attract money anyway.
  • Like to gamble and live dangerously. Will take risks to get what they want.
  • Move quickly, and have a tendency to be restless and fidgety, unable to keep still.
  • Patriotic and home loving, but distant travel is likely.
  • Sharp witted, apt to be sarcastic, but always ready to forgive.
  • Hate to see others suffer and will help if they can.
  • Gentle and romantic.
  • Will probably face disappointments in life.
  • Will probably retire somewhere quiet, away from cities and crowds.
  • Dark, but bright and sparkling eyes.
  • Dress neatly and are orderly and methodical.
  • Versatile and dexterous.
  • Gift for languages and writing - would be skilled at producing propaganda and writing pamphlets.
  • May marry someone from another race or culture.
  • Can use their skills to stand up to those in a superior position.
  • May become leaders, teachers, politicians or artists.

Possible Themes
Strength, talent, power.
Presenting reality in a startling new way.
The media.
Conspiracy theories.


A medieval missile launcher; a shipwreck; a casket of jewels; a duel; a tortoise with jewels inlaid in its shell; a museum.

A year of writing prompts: 25 May

How to use these prompts

Who is this?
What is he doing and why?
Tell his story.


  1. Write a story which begins with "It was a dark and stormy night..."
  2. "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  3. It's National Missing Children's Day in the US. Write a story about a missing child.
  4. Towel Day is a tribute to the late author Douglas Adams. Pen a tale featuring a towel.
  5. In 1840 the first drama school opened in Britain. Write a story set in a drama school.

Character Names
Viola, Morgan, Urban, Gregory, Duncan, Madeline, Ursula

Character Traits
  • Perceptive and intelligent.
  • Dignified and of noble bearing - command the respect of others.
  • Friendly and hospitable.
  • Likely to be successful both in their careers and their marriages.
  • Spiritually minded, sensitive to their environment. Dislike greed and materialism.
  • May prefer to make their living through crafty and underhand means than through hard work.
  • Devoted to their families.
  • Help from high places will serve their interests.
  • May attain a political appointment which involves confidentiality.
  • Possible careers are detective, surgeon, photographer, artist, optician, music, gunsmith or finance. They do especially well at jobs requiring precision such as science, painting miniatures or engraving.
  • May suffer from anxiety.
  • Lung problems are possible.
  • May find themselves deprived of liberty.
  • Danger of becoming lonely and obsessed.
  • Practical and conscientious.

Possible Themes
Protection; tapping into old protective resources.
Honouring the divine in everyday things.
The spirit of special occasions.


Holly and mistletoe; an island just visible off the coast; a Roman feast.

A year of writing prompts: 24 May

How to use these prompts

The flight deck of a small aircraft.
Who are the pilot and passengers?
Where are they going?
Do they get there without mishap?


  1. "You can't be wise and in love at the same time." Bob Dylan
  2. It's Brothers Day. Write about some brothers. Whether they are biological brothers, monks, Freemasons, union members or some other type of brotherhood is up to you.
  3. On the anniversary of the opening of Westminster Bridge (1862) and Brooklyn Bridge (1883) write a story which features a bridge.
  4. In 1988, John Moschitta set a record for fast talking - 586 words a minute. Write about a character who talks very fast.
  5. In 2002, ex-inmates of Ford open prison launched a board game, Incarceration, based on life in prison. You have been commissioned to invent a new board game. What theme do you choose? What is the object of the game? Write a pitch about it for a press release or for a potential buyer/publisher.

Character Names
Jana, Esther, Eliza, Marlena, Gina, Jessica, Jess, Joanna, Suzanne, Ivan, Yvonne

Character Traits
  • Find it easy to concentrate and have an innate wisdom which helps them quickly grasp the meaning of things.
  • May have a strong calling to serve others.
  • They give their love freely but have a fear of losing their freedom. They make faithful partners but don't always show affection.
  • Communicate from the heart and make excellent salespeople. Any work involving communication will suit them, as well as work with intricate problems. May also excel in the performing arts or in writing.
  • Creative and imaginative.
  • Not always secure in their own identity which may lead to them changing jobs frequently.
  • Conscientious and responsible, but dislike routine. Hate to be bored.
  • Good judgement and business sense.
  • Have a thirst for knowledge and are curious, so are always on the move.
  • Sociable and talkative, love to share ideas with others. Are bright and witty.
  • Mental stimulation is more important to them than physical passion.
  • Easily distracted and so can be seen as superficial.
  • Likely to enjoy the outdoors and a variety of sports.

Possible Themes
Strength of belief.


A monkey; a poppy; a duck; wind; snails; a tiara.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 23 May

How to use these prompts

This young lady seems popular with the young men.
Which (if any) of the potential suitors will she choose, and why?


  1. It's world Turtle Day. Write a story featuring a turtle or a tortoise.
  2. It's also Lucky Penny Day. Your character owns a small coin which appears to have a magical power to bring luck.
  3. "Straight down the crooked lane, and all around the square." Thomas Hood
  4. In 1707, Carl Linnaeus was born. He was the zoologist who established the system for naming living things. You are given the task of naming a new species of animal. What name do you choose, and why?
  5. Today is the anniversary of the day bifocals were invented. Your character loses his or her glasses.

Character Names
Vladimir, Lydia, Myrtle, Clifford, Iona, Desiree, Renee

Character Traits
  • Creative and whimsical, lovers of beauty and the marvellous.
  • Not in the least bit practical. Chaos and financial muddles are likely.
  • They may gain fame through their artistic endeavours and can even find themselves in responsible positions, such as the founder or head of a society, in spite of not being practical. They will be surprisingly good at it.
  • May be a defender of women's rights or spiritual values.
  • Of sturdy physical build and with a powerful character.
  • Concerned about public opinion.
  • Witty and eloquent.
  • Need a push to find their motivation. This may come from other people or through finding a cause or project which stimulates their interest.
  • Likely to live a full life.
  • Help others to live in the present moment.
  • Work well with groups and the public, and at anything artistic.
  • Danger of wasting their talents.
  • At their worst can be selfish, bossy and snobbish.

Possible Themes
The moon.
Inspiration and poetry.
Cultivation of beautiful places; gardens.
Revolutionary alliances.


A waterfall; a troubadour; a lyre; a pillar; an organ; brambles; a magic castle.