Friday, 10 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 10 May

How to use these prompts

Why are these guys climbing this rock face?
What will they do when they get to the top?
Will the lower one make it to the top safely?


  1. It's Fred Astaire's birthday. Write a story about a dancer.
  2. "I don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day." Linda Evangelista
  3. It's clean up your room day. Write a story about someone who finds something unexpected when they clean their room. Is it something they forgot they had, or something somebody else planted there?
  4. It's Windmill Day. Pen a tale featuring a windmill.
  5. On Trust Your Intuition Day, write about someone who acts on a gut feeling.

Character Names
Simon, Palma, Reagan,Viola, Violet, Victoria, Elvira

Character Traits
  • Have great moral strength and ambition, which means they may rise to eminence and success, even from quite lowly beginnings.
  • Calm and easy-going.
  • Dislike being rushed or pressured.
  • Can be envious and mean-minded.
  • They are sometimes aggressive and violent, possibly a bully, which can lead to estrangement from their families. They do as much harm to themselves as those they set out to hurt.
  • They will sacrifice all for those they love, but are not averse to treading on people on their way up the ladder to success.
  • Highly intelligent, deep thinkers who can see ways around obstacles.
  • Tall, dark and heavy.
  • Sensuous.
  • Fond of hunting and expressive arts.
  • May become dancers or actors, composers or orators. Could also become inventors.
  • May suffer from thyroid problems.
  • Associated with unstoppable and destructive progress.
  • Impatient; do not always think things through.

Possible Themes
Creativity, spontaneity.
Seeing the bigger picture.
Redirecting energy into a more productive course.
Transience of life.
The sky.


A crow; a flag on top of a high mountain; white eagles; a water pitcher; a fork in the road; a blank signpost; a glider.

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