Thursday, 30 May 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 31 May

How to use these prompts

Who is this couple?
Where did they meet?
Tell their story.


  1. Big Ben went into service on this date in 1859. Write a story in which Big Ben features.
  2. On Clint Eastwood's birthday, write a story entitled "Make My Day".
  3. It's Heath Robinson's birthday. Describe a Heath Robinson type device to achieve a simple task.
  4. "Turn on, tune in, drop out." Timothy Leary
  5. It's Take This Job and Shove it Day. Your character quits their job in a dramatic fashion.

Character Names
Camilla, Helga, Angela, Petronella, Sherrie, Sheryl, Doyle, Isabella, Isa

Character Traits
  • Big-hearted types who may devote much time and energy to alleviating suffering and correcting injustices. May become famous as philanthropists or reformers.
  • May have the view that problems can be solved simply by throwing money at them or by spreading goodwill. May be unwilling to consider the more complicated aspects of the issue.
  • Likely to be thrifty and concerned with preserving natural resources.
  • Generally fortunate - their projects generally succeed.
  • Partnerships, including marriage, tend to be lucky for them.
  • Have the ability to be cheerful in dark times.
  • Adoption may feature in their lives.
  • Precise and careful.
  • Intelligent with artistic tastes.
  • Act with confidence in fast moving situations.
  • May become a doctor, scientist or priest.
  • Health issues could include eye problems and lung problems.
  • They may attract dangerous enemies. Danger of homicide or violent death.

Possible Themes
Hands and fingers.
Crisis management.
Acts of God.
Daredevil stunts.
Living in the fast lane.

An aeroplane; a glass of water; a gourd plant; a hospital nurse; a handsome vampire.

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