Thursday, 23 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 26 May

How to use these prompts

What might be happening here?
Tell the story.


  1. "Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
  2. It's Celebrity Marriage Day. Write about a celebrity wedding where the celebrities concerned go way over the top.
  3. It's sacred well dressing day. Write a story which features a well - sacred or otherwise.
  4. In 1977, the human fly, George Willig, scaled the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York. Write about a character who performs a similar feat. Why do they do it? Do they succeed? What happens next?
  5. National Senior Health and Fitness Day is about now. Write about a group of elderly people who meet every day at a gym.

Character Names
Philip, Minna, Vilma, Vilhemina, Evelyn, Edward, Varis, Bernice, Zachary, Zack, Paulina, Eva, Lily, Marianne

Character Traits
  • Not overly concerned with material wealth, although their imagination and artistic gifts will attract money anyway.
  • Like to gamble and live dangerously. Will take risks to get what they want.
  • Move quickly, and have a tendency to be restless and fidgety, unable to keep still.
  • Patriotic and home loving, but distant travel is likely.
  • Sharp witted, apt to be sarcastic, but always ready to forgive.
  • Hate to see others suffer and will help if they can.
  • Gentle and romantic.
  • Will probably face disappointments in life.
  • Will probably retire somewhere quiet, away from cities and crowds.
  • Dark, but bright and sparkling eyes.
  • Dress neatly and are orderly and methodical.
  • Versatile and dexterous.
  • Gift for languages and writing - would be skilled at producing propaganda and writing pamphlets.
  • May marry someone from another race or culture.
  • Can use their skills to stand up to those in a superior position.
  • May become leaders, teachers, politicians or artists.

Possible Themes
Strength, talent, power.
Presenting reality in a startling new way.
The media.
Conspiracy theories.


A medieval missile launcher; a shipwreck; a casket of jewels; a duel; a tortoise with jewels inlaid in its shell; a museum.

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