Monday, 20 May 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 21 May

How to use these prompts

Here is a bishop.
Why is he wearing the symbol of a flame rather than a cross?
What does he believe?


  1. In 1884, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi finished his famous statue, the Statue of Liberty. Write a story in which the Statue of Liberty features.
  2. It's Take A Memo day. A boss issues a memo which has devastating consequences for his/her employees.
  3. The zodiac sign of Gemini commences today. Write a story in which two of the characters are twins.
  4. "It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbour." Eric Hoffer
  5. In 2011, it was predicted by a Christian radio host that this date would be the end of the world. Your characters hold a party to celebrate the end of the world.

Character Names
Monica, Constantine, Ernestine, Ingmar, Micah, Freda, Victor, Timothy, Zina

Character Traits
  • They will make good friends, who will be important to them. Good fortune will come through friends who are protectors or benefactors.
  • Will have good relationships with their siblings. They may be a twin, or perhaps the parent of twins.
  • Kind, patient and understanding.
  • Open-hearted and trustworthy.
  • Their marriages, however, are not always happy.
  • Danger of being too hasty and making a disastrous mistake.
  • Often too easily influenced.
  • Have a lot of mental energy.
  • Cultured and talented.
  • Sympathy with "the common man".
  • Careers relating to children or young people suit them. They could also enter fields requiring precision, such as art or engraving, watchmakers, architects or draftsmen. They could work with metal; or become photographers or writers.
  • There is a possibility they will be betrayed by partners or friends, particularly in business.
  • May be affected by "health and safety gone mad".
  • Danger of death in childbirth for women.
  • Can be indecisive and detached.

Possible Themes
Friendship, brotherhood.
Separation of emotion from intellect.
Boats and water.


A glass bottomed boat; yellow lilies; two Ionic columns; knots in a chord.

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