Friday, 17 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 18 May

How to use these prompts

Where is this seaplane arriving?
Where has it been?
Who is on board?


  1. In 1897, there was a public reading of Bram Stoker's new novel, Dracula. Write a vampire story.
  2. Today is the feast day of Saint Theodotus, patron saint of innkeepers, who hid Christians fleeing from persecution. Write about an innkeeper, or a bed and breakfast proprietor, or a hotelier, who is hiding something.
  3. It's Visit Your Relatives Day. Your character goes to visit a relative they have not seen in a long time.
  4. "The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on." Omar Khayyam
  5. The last snow of winter.

Character Names
Alexandra, Eric, Erica, Viola, Cyndia, Inez, Julita

Character Traits
  • Have an interest in spirituality or religion.
  • May be a psychic or medium.
  • Applying their knowledge and insights for practical purposes is not their strong point.
  • Have unrealistic dreams and ambitions.
  • Tendency towards wishful thinking. Often live in a dream world and carry out routine tasks on autopilot.
  • Impatient.
  • If they can overcome the tendency to give up when they hit an obstacle, they can become successful. Able to understand what can and can't be changed.
  • Generally have long and uneventful lives.
  • Not always lucky in romance. Can be fickle and/or give up on love.
  • Reliable, trustworthy and honest. Strong sense of responsibility.
  • Careers could include maths, science, brewing or distilling.
  • Risk of alcoholism.
  • Risk of accidents causing danger to their sight.

Possible Themes
The search, quest or process.
Second chances.
Ripening with age; menopause.
The occult.


A pole; a horse; a straight road stretching as far as the eye can see; a crystal ball; beeswax candles.

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