Monday, 20 May 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 22 May

How to use these prompts

Why is this girl dressed up?
Who or what is she dressed up as?
How does the rest of her day go?


  1. Islam celebrates the Tree of Extremity today. This tree has a leaf for every person in the world, with their name on it. Tonight, the tree is shaken, and anyone whose leaf falls off will die in the coming year. Write a story about this tree, and someone who is present at the ceremony and sees their leaf fall.
  2. It's National Maritime Day. Write a story featuring a sea voyage.
  3. "If suffer we must, let's suffer on the heights." Victor Hugo
  4. A child finds a four-leafed clover.
  5. George Best was born in 1946. Write a story featuring football or a footballer.

Character Names
Emil, Julia, Rita, Emilia, Elena, Helena, Brett, Roseanne, Hemming

Character Traits
  • Ambitious and determined - will overcome any obstacles to success and reach a high position.
  • Whichever field they go into, they are likely to reform it or make significant discoveries. They will meet with opposition, but will overcome it.
  • They could seek careers in the military, law or police; they could become doctors or nurses, or go into farming, science or philosophy. They do well at work requiring precision.
  • Highly intelligent, possibly even a genius.
  • Good with technology.
  • Like to read and study.
  • Make good leaders, but can also be easily led astray.
  • They are often health conscious, but attracted to danger and seem not to be afraid of anything in other areas.
  • Like the outdoors.
  • Tendency to rebel and challenge the accepted order.
  • May come across as aggressive.
  • Theft, shoplifting and bribery are the most likely crimes they'll commit. Could end up living as an outlaw.
  • Sometimes start more than they can finish or gain more than they can hold.

Possible Themes
Wish fulfilment.
Gifts; philanthropy.
Secret affairs.
Surprise visits.


A rope ladder; a wall; a dagger; a map; a gun; a collection of dried leaves with inscriptions on them; Christmas presents.

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