Saturday, 4 May 2019

A year of writing prompts: 5 May

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?
Fancy dress ball?
Backstage in a theatre?


  1. According to the Lemurian Fellowship, the lost continent of Mu was supposed to reappear on this date in 2000. As far as I'm aware it didn't, but what if it had?
  2. In 1952, Queen Elizabeth moved into Buckingham Palace. Write about someone moving into a grand new residence.
  3. On Oyster day, write a story featuring pearls.
  4. "In victory, you deserve champagne. In defeat, you need it." Napoleon Bonaparte
  5. It's Tammy Wynette's birthday. Write about a woman who stands by her man.

Character Names
Claudie, Adrian, Gregory, Gerhard, Angela, Sabrina, Tucker, Irena, Vivian, Vivianne

Character Traits
  • Avid learners - enjoy studying.
  • Popular with lots of friends, but if the truth be told, they prefer being alone with their research.
  • Interested in natural sciences and may make this a career by entering agriculture or professions related to the earth. They could also go into real estate, or become singers or travelling salesmen.
  • May end up living in a foreign country, either in order to further their studies, or because they are forced to leave their homeland for some reason.
  • They may be religious, but this can include the worship of science.
  • May become faith healers.
  • Tendency to be taciturn and keep what they learn to themselves; but if they do choose to share they have the ability to make their wisdom accessible to others. Hence they may go into teaching.
  • Good listeners.
  • Can have short tempers and be easily offended.
  • Patient and adaptable.
  • Indifferent to love, but if they marry, they make excellent spouses.
  • May lose their fortunes.
  • Danger of injury caused by animals.

Possible Themes
Exchange and barter.
Magic and medicine.
Weathering storms.
Sudden changes in circumstances.


Seven ibises in flight; a natural well; a cavern; a lamp; a black bag; a flute; a snake.

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