Tuesday, 14 May 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 14 May

How to use these prompts

Write about this man and his huge dog.
Or perhaps it isn't his dog.
Perhaps it is the guardian of the beach, with an important message.


  1. In 2001, London Underground allowed buskers on the system as long as they'd been given permission. Write a story about a busker on the Tube (or any other railway system you're more familiar with if you prefer).
  2. "Abandon every hope, ye who enter here." Dante Alighieri
  3. It's Crazy Day. Something crazy is happening...
  4. The Eurovision Song Contest takes place around now. Write a story about a contestant at the contest.
  5. "Do or Do not. There is no try." George Lucas

Character Names
Boniface, Tula, Sybil, Israel, Lil, Kriss

Character Traits
  • Generous, good hearted and hard working.
  • Tend to trust too easily.
  • Have an intense spiritual life and may feel they have a destiny or a mission to fulfil in the service of others.
  • Likely to be religious or superstitions.
  • Humble and meek; not violent.
  • Often their talents and qualities go unnoticed and people take advantage of them.
  • Go on giving until nothing is left. They are so busy being available for others at ll times that her personal life is non-existent.
  • Particular and precise - get irritated when things aren't exactly right.
  • May become a doctor,writer or teacher.
  • May have problems with their eyes.
  • My be affected by domination or vengeance.
  • Creative and original.
  • Sociable with a good sense of humour and sense of drama.
  • Want to help those without knowledge.

Possible Themes
Keeping score.
Power and personal accomplishment.
Pride in personal prowess.


A dried up river bed; sunrise; an escaped prisoner; crows; a man with no mouth.

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