Tuesday, 11 June 2019

A year of writing prompts: 11 June

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
What is the relationship between them?
What are they talking about?


  1. Dirty Book Day commemorates the day the US postmaster general banned Lady Chatterley's Lover from being sent through the mail. Write an erotic piece.
  2. "There is no greater hell than to be a prisoner of fear." Ben Johnson
  3. "It's worse than that - he's dead, Jim."
  4. John Constable, landscape painter, was born on this date in 1776. Write a story about an artist.
  5. Underwater film-maker Jacques Cousteau was born in 1910. Write a story set under the sea. Whether it features nuclear submarines, mermaids, divers or Spongebob Squarepants is entirely up to you.

Character Names
Bruno, Barnabas, Sven, Flora, Dolores, Lola, Percy, Felix

Character Traits
  • Can be eccentric opinionated or quarrelsome.
  • Have powerful and devoted friends.
  • Hardworking.
  • Competitive and enjoy sport. Sport may entice them away from their work and cause problems. A career in sport is possible.
  • Other careers they may choose are politics, the military, grocery or travel.
  • Danger of an excessive interest in one area of life to the exclusion of others.
  • Fond of travel and adventure.
  • Mentally quick, especially when young.
  • Will either be very good or very poor at maths.
  • Deep interest in spirituality and the occult and a willingness to investigate things many would quail at.
  • May reach a high level of knowledge and become teachers or leaders.
  • Not always faithful in love.
  • May be a swindler or forger.
  • Can be detached, indifferent or careless. This can lead to them becoming victims of circumstance.
  • Can be violent and brutal with futile ill-will and bluster.
  • May suffer problems with their eyes.

Possible Themes
Pushing for change.
Democracy and rights.
Advancing human knowledge and endeavour.


A demonstration; coins; a snow storm; a tomb; a cup; wine casks rescued from a shipwreck.

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