Tuesday, 18 June 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 20 June

How to use these prompts

What's the story behind this lion statue?
What event might it commemorate?
Or is it an alien or mutant lion with special powers?


  1. Midsummer Magic.
  2. "My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income." Errol Flynn
  3. It's World Refugee Day. Your protagonist is a refugee. From where? Why? What happens to them?
  4. In 1921, Alice Robertson presided over the US House of Representatives for 20 minutes. She was the first woman to do so. Your character is someone who never thought they would ever get a chance to be in charge, but the opportunity arises, albeit for a limited time. What do they do?
  5. In 1988 it became illegal in New York for private clubs to exclude women or minorities. Your character belongs to a minority who is suddenly eligible to join such a club.

Character Names
Raphael, Rasa, Sherman, Valeria, Valerie, Floretina, Florence, Michelle, Flora, Linda

Character Traits
  • Lovers of sport and hunting.
  • They make good leaders and are kind hearted at their best, but there is a possibility of cruelty and the misuse of power.
  • Are ingenious with good imaginations but need to beware of daydreaming to much as it can lead to a lack of concentration and balance.
  • Self mastery is important to them and they are concerned about their appearance.
  • Active, likely to burn the midnight oil.
  • Appreciate art and may have artistic talent.
  • Can be sceptical, mistrustful and pessimistic which can lead to them abandoning their promising projects and ideas.
  • They may have had a difficult early life which causes not only mistrust and pessimism but also a tendency to be manipulative and secretive.
  • They may receive a legacy or inheritance but there are likely to be problems attached to it.
  • Have common sense and a good sense of direction.
  • Fond of children and nature.
  • Tendency to over-indulge.
  • May seek a career in writing or music.
  • May suffer from a chronic illness.

Possible Themes
Truth through entertainment.
Martial honour.
Instability and confusion.
Spotting potential.
Living in the moment.


A mockingbird; a whip; a steel glove; a stick; crows; three dogs.

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