Tuesday, 18 June 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 22 June

How to use these prompts

Four knights - what does each represent?
What prize might they be competing for?


  1. It's Hard Core Pub Crawl Day. Your characters embark on a serious pub crawl.
  2. Stupid Guy Thing Day is a day for women to make a list of stupid guy things - ideally to share. If you are female, write a list of stupid guy things. If you are male, seek revenge and write a list of stupid girl things.
  3. "The number one rule of the road is never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself." Kris Kristofferson
  4. National Forgiveness Day is about now. Write about a character who either needs to forgive someone, or needs to be forgiven.
  5. In 1896, Marconi patented the wireless. Write a story in which radio features prominently.

Character Names
Paula, Paulina, Ludmila, Bailey, Byron, Paris, Innocent

Character Traits
  • Close to their families, and may marry young, although it's possible they will defer marriage and devote their younger years to caring for parents or siblings.
  • Home life comes first and anything which interferes with it will be sacrificed.
  • Content with what they have.
  • Quick minds.
  • May be superficial and drawn to a variety of things. Can be fickle.
  • May enjoy travel.
  • Good sense of rhythm and flow and will be good at anything which demands precision and timing.
  • Apt to forget themselves when seeing to the needs of others. There is, nevertheless, a certain amount of selfishness which will need to be overcome.
  • Shrewd observers of cause and effect.
  • Find it hard to let go of unhealthy ties.
  • Sometimes anchored in dreams and fantasies and miss the obstacles in their way.
  • Working with the public, farming, police or detective work, exact sciences such as mechanics, and business, especially sea-bourne trade are all possible vocations.
  • May be affected by piracy, mutiny or treason.
  • Danger they may choose the wrong partner.
  • Do not always make the most of the opportunities that come their way.

Possible Themes
Harmony, agreement, union.
Moving from one stage of life to another. Transitions.
Breaking off old relationships and making new ones.
Making a sacred place for what you care about to flourish in.


A ship; a flag; grapes; a large clock; a white onyx ring; pottery.

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