Wednesday, 12 June 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 12 June

How to use these prompts

Here are some boys on a camping trip.
What are they doing here?
What adventures might they have?


  1. The Rotherhithe Tunnel opened in 1908. Write a story featuring a tunnel.
  2. Write to your Father Day is celebrated around now. Your character writes a letter to their father.
  3. It's Magic Day. Write a story set in a world where magic is real.
  4. Anne Frank was born in 1929. Write a diary as if written by a young girl who is hiding from something.
  5. "If you've broken the eggs, you should make the omelette." Anthony Eden

Character Names
Nora, Ramona, Dove, Malcolm, Evelyn, Jan, Antonia

Character Traits
  • Intelligent with a love of learning and research.
  • Inventive and possibly eccentric.
  • Inquisitive and fond of novelties, but have a timorous, careful and responsible side.
  • Generous; want others to be happy.
  • Lovers of peace.
  • Will do well in later life.
  • Good at maths, and will also enjoy poetry, music and fine arts.
  • Careful with resources.
  • Confident about their theories and guesses.
  • Domestic life can be happy – if they don't mess it up. They tend not to be attracted to marriage and have a tendency to mess it up if they do marry.
  • Women will stay on good terms with former lovers.
  • May talk too much.
  • May benefit from a substantial inheritance.
  • Often live in a whirl of mental and physical activity.
  • Careers: Military; the church; clerical and secretarial work; literature; business; science; economics; conservation or social work.
  • May have bad habits which endanger their life.
  • May suffer from insanity, eye problems, injury to arms and hands; appendicitis.
  • Are sensitive to humidity and thrive better in dry climates.

Possible Themes
Renewal, rebirth.
Self-fulfilment through community activity.
Finding a spiritual twin.
Divine messengers, eg angels
Cutting deals.


Birds; sunrise; dark clouds; a pile of stones covered in ivy; a sultan.

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