Sunday, 2 June 2019

A year of writing prompts: 3 June

How to use these prompts

What are these people looking at over the fence?
Do they climb over? If so what happens?
Write about their lives.


  1. In 1790, the first convict ship for women arrived in Sydney. Write a story set on a convict ship in which all the criminals on board are women. It can be a sea-going ship or a space ship!
  2. "Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance." George V.
  3. Write a story entitled "Father, Dear Father".
  4. In Japan, it's Broken Dolls Day. Little girls hold funeral ceremonies for their old, broken dolls. Write a story in which a group of children gather to stage a funeral for a beloved toy.
  5. Today is supposed to be the worst day in the fairy year. No-one quite knows why. Until now. Write the story of the event which made today the worst in the fairy year.

Character Names
Tamara, Klotilda, Ramona, Ramon, Ray, Raymond, Lech, Karolina, Ingmar

Character Traits
  • Ambitious, restless and greedy, which can lead to them being deceitful or treacherous to get what they want.
  • Failure to get what they want can make them envious, resentful and revengeful.
  • Easily led astray.
  • Polite and tactful.
  • Good organisers. Original and resourceful.
  • Self-reliant and hard working.
  • Spontaneous and fanciful.
  • Secretive.
  • Likely to marry later in life.
  • Lives are often unsettled.
  • They have little patience with relationship problems.
  • May be misfit geniuses.
  • Perceptive intelligence with foresight.
  • May be drawn to a career in agriculture or farming.
  • May be conceited with an inflated ego.
  • Do not always choose their friends well.

Possible Themes
The seasons.
Command of emotions.
Self-expression; talent; creativity.
Patronage of the arts.


A piano; wolves; stairs leading nowhere; a pack of cards; garlic.

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