Monday, 17 June 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 17 June

How to use these prompts

A first date?
Or is one half of  the couple about to propose?
Or end the relationship?


  1. "Are you sure that a floor cannot also be a ceiling?" MC Escher
  2. It's Accident Day. Write a story which features an accident.
  3. Alfred Hitchcock's film Blackmail premièred in 1929. Write a story in which one character blackmails another.
  4. The oldest identical twin sisters celebrated their 104th birthday in 1984. Write a story about a pair of identical twins who have reached a grand old age.
  5. Peter Didsbury's poem, the 17th of June, begins "The day recounts itself backwards". Write about a day which is in some way back to front.

Character Names
Adolf, Laura, Arthur, Junior, Dixie, Innocent, Harvey, Manuel, Dawn, Alba

Character Traits
  • Quarrelsome, stubborn and jealous. This can lead to alienation of people around them, and sometimes their downfall.
  • Quick thinkers who enjoy fine arts.
  • Creative with a vivid inner mental life.
  • Responsible and trustworthy.
  • Conventional in outlook, possibly because they dislike being alone.
  • Hold traditional beliefs and defend them strongly without necessarily thinking them through.
  • Often convinced they are right without understanding the issues.
  • Suckers for a sob story and can fall prey to schemers.
  • May enjoy dancing as a hobby and possibly as a career.
  • Melancholy and set in their ways.
  • Could end up working within a large organisation and doing fairly well.
  • May be affected by infertility or stunted growth.
  • Danger of suicide.
  • Coldness or barrenness could feature in their lives in some way.
  • Speculation tends to be unlucky for them.

Possible Themes
One's place in the cosmos.
Innovation; national and political ventures.
Beauty, cleansing, protection.


Winter frost; a marketplace; two dogs fighting; an ancient temple in a cave.

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