Tuesday, 18 June 2019

A year of writing prompts: 23 June

How to use these prompts

What might be happening here?
What is in the filing cabinet?
What happens next?


  1. "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly." Richard Bach
  2. Midsummer Madness.
  3. On Midsummer's Eve it was traditional for girls to cast various spells which would result in them getting dreams or visions of their future husbands. Your character casts one of these spells, and the vision which comes to her is of a man she intensely dislikes. What does she do?
  4. It's typewriter day. Write a story featuring a typewriter.
  5. In 1735 a phantom army was seen on a hill in Cumbria. It happened twice more, always on Midsummer Eve. Tell the story behind the phantom army.

Character Names
Adolf, Zoltan, Vanda, Jennell, Jeanette, Joan, Joanne, Joanna, Evan, Wanda, Zenon, Audrey, Adela, Sidonia

Character Traits
  • Refined, subtle and artistic.
  • Lovers of luxury and beauty, especially in nature.
  • Pleasant personality.
  • May be selfish, lazy and a freeloader. If they can take advantage of another's generosity, they will.
  • May have a jealous nature.
  • May be a spoiled brat.
  • Males take life seriously, even when young.
  • Women may be affected by rivalries.
  • Have an awareness of humanity and its needs and may do important work.
  • Career choices could include fashion, perfumes, florist, astrologer, artist.
  • Find their way through life ingeniously and resourcefully.
  • May have a phobia of air drafts.
  • Tendency to lose touch with reality.
  • Bugging devices may feature in their lives.
  • Tendency to give important jobs to incompetent people.

Possible Themes
Female rivalry.
Confronting mystery.
Revising beliefs in light of new evidence.
Astral projection, out of body experiences, dreams.
Raising questions.


A magic carpet; A knick-knack in a glass case; a bunch of iron keys; a white tuxedo; a green house; a watering can.

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