Monday, 3 June 2019

A year of writing prompts: 4 June

How to use these prompts

Write about this couple.
How did they meet?
Write about their guests.
What does the future hold for the couple?


  1. "Don't give up the ship!" James Lawrence
  2. It's Old Maid's Day. Write a story about an old maid.
  3. In 1913, suffragette Emily Davidson threw herself under the king's horse at the Derby. Write about a protest which takes place at a horse race.
  4. In 1717, the Freemasons established their Grand Lodge in London. Write a story featuring a secret society.
  5. The first Trooping the Colour took place on this date in 1805. Your character is going to watch the Trooping of the Colour (or other ceremony involving pomp and circumstance if you prefer).

Character Names
Maria, Elfrida, Fredericka, Vince, Vincenta, Kevin, Elma, Karol, Francis, Solveig

Character Traits
  • Intellectual, logical thinkers. Will reason and philosophise.
  • Can be dishonest and involved with shady dealings. Even the honest ones will embellish and colour the truth occasionally. However, their own carelessness makes it likely they will be found out.
  • Are usually on the move – love to travel.
  • Danger of accidents caused by lack of caution or speeding.
  • Competitive – like to compete and win.
  • In love, they are passionate and sensuous, but not always sincere.
  • Tendency to become fixated on certain subjects.
  • Quiet and persistent.
  • May have artistic talent.
  • Possible careers include agriculture, postman and teaching. Careers involving driving, be it an animal, car, taxi or even a tank, are favoured.
  • Tend to be greedy, wanting to have it all no matter what the cost, and may end up losing everything.
  • Danger that they will be manipulated, or be manipulators.

Possible Themes
Astronomical distances.
Telepathy, mind reading.
Feeling connected.


A mask; two foxes; chickens; a jewellery box; a castle; a flashlight.

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