Saturday, 15 June 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 15 June

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
Where are they and what are they running away from?


  1. "'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view." Thomas Campbell
  2. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.
  3. Today is the anniversary of the day Benjamin Franklin flew his kite during a lightning storm. Write a story featuring a kite, and add in the electric storm if you wish.
  4. It's Sneak a Kiss day. Write about someone who does just that.
  5. Today was the day in 1956 when John Lennon and Paul McCartney, aged 15 and 13, met for the first time at a church dinner. Your characters are two teens who meet at a church function and form an alliance with far-reaching consequences.

Character Names
Wendell, Wendy, Jolanta, Abraham, Alice, Yolanda, Justina

Character Traits
  • Have an innate wisdom and ability to grasp things. Learn new skills quickly.
  • Have a strong calling to serve others.
  • Tendency to give their love too freely even though they fear losing their freedom.
  • Communicate from the heart and make excellent salespeople. Any work involving communication or work with intricate problems suits them.
  • Not always secure in their own identity and may change jobs often.
  • Intuitive enough to recognise a good opportunity when one comes along.
  • Can be stubborn and risk ending up in a rut.
  • May suffer ill health as a child.
  • Tend to be slim and young looking.
  • Good at multitasking and are adaptable and flexible, and hate to be bored. This may mean they are viewed as superficial.
  • Thrive when they have several projects on the go although it often looks chaotic to everyone else.
  • Possible health issues: susceptible to colds and flu, chest complaints, problems with feet.
  • Love travel and adventure.
  • Charismatic, clever and witty with a talent for writing.

Possible Themes


A string of pearls; twins; an acorn; beer; a kite; a lobster; a photograph.

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