Sunday, 31 March 2019

A year of writing prompts: 1 April

How to use these prompts

An unusual love triangle.


  1. Make up your own April Fool prank. It could be a fake news story, a memo you might send to everyone at work, or a club you belong to, something you might post on Facebook for family and friends to see. Make it as detailed as possible. It's up to you whether you actually send it out!
  2. Your character is either playing an April Fool prank or is the victim of one.
  3. It started out as an April Fool but turned out to be true!
  4. "Never believe in anything until it has been officially denied." Bismark
  5. April fools in the past have included made up places like San Seriffe, a group of islands all named after fonts and printing terms, and Nutopia, a place where the national anthem is silence. Make up a fictitious place based on a theme such as your favourite sport or hobby or an occupation.

Character Names
Hugo, Raita, Theodora, Mack, April, Harold

Character Traits
  • Family and home are of utmost importance. Will make a great success of home life and community involvement. but not necessarily of their career.
  • Motherly/fatherly types.
  • Extravagant providers.
  • Drawn to protect those who need it.
  • Possibly eccentric.
  • Not afraid to clash with others who disagree with their way of doing things.
  • Believe in the importance of education.
  • Want to raise their children to be honourable.
  • May travel extensively, seeing the world and having adventures in their youth before settling down.
  • Diplomatic but can also be judgemental.
  • Interested in sports and keeping fit.
  • Likely careers: plumbing, social work, science, in particular anything to do with electricity, chemicals or poisons; gold mining.
  • Can be mavericks who live on the fringes of society and clash against the established order.
  • May drink too much.
  • Possibility of mental illness.

Possible Themes
Protection, watchfulness.
Desire for freedom.
Heat, fevers, metals.
Group structure.

A flight of wild geese; an eagle's nest; a labyrinth; a druid; a cabin; a guitar.

A year of writing prompts: 31 March

How to use these prompts

Who or what is reaching out for help?
Who or what is reaching down to help?


  1. "It was the last day of March. The joke shop was full of people getting ready for April Fool's Day." Marc Tolon Brown. It's the day before April Fool's so write about someone who is preparing an elaborate April Fool prank which backfires on them before midnight even arrives.
  2. "Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical." John Fowles.
  3. In 1905, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle resurrected his character Sherlock Holmes from the dead. Write about a character who everyone has believed to be dead for several years and who suddenly re-appears. What is the explanation for this? How does the character integrate his or herself back into their old life given that the world will have moved on without them?
  4. In 1889 the Eiffel Tower was officially completed. Write a story featuring the tower.
  5. It's around this time that British Summer Time starts and the clocks go forward an hour. Write about someone who forgets to change their clocks and shows up an hour late.

Character Names
Irma, Gina, Benjamin, Cornelia. Homer, Bethany, Nell. Esther

Character Traits
  • Mild mannered and amiable, often to the extent of never being able to say no, which can lead to others taking advantage of them.
  • They may get involved in romances for this reason, but they do enjoy secret love affairs and flirtation.
  • Good looking.
  • May have a disability of some kind; but may also have a gift or advantage of some kind.
  • There is a possibility they will be geniuses, but the breakthroughs they make are not always acceptable to the mainstream. They will be frustrated by this.
  • They like to keep active and enjoy physical challenges.
  • They enjoy mental challenges, too - innovative thinkers who enjoy games.
  • Sympathetic; want to help those who are suffering and champion the underdog.
  • Enjoy "holding court".
  • Hold themselves to high standards.
  • They recognise the best in others, and can be inspiring, but they can equally foster unhealthy dependencies and always want the upper hand.
  • Possible careers: railways, dealers in metal, manufacture of cotton goods, science, electrician, administrator or writer.
  • May fall foul of dictators.
  • Can be selfish and egotistical.

Possible Themes
Power and responsibility. 
Nobility, dignity.


A key; a telescope; a ribbon; a lamb; motes of dust.

Saturday, 30 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 30 March

How to use these prompts

What's going on here?
Why is that woman tied to a chair?
Are either or both of the others there to rescue her?
What happens?


  1. It's Take A Walk In The Park Day. Write about someone who takes a walk in the park and something out of the ordinary happens.
  2. March
  3. In the French Revolutionary calendar, today is the Day of the Hatchery. Write about something which hatches.
  4. "He did not think me strange or older, Nor I him." Frances Cornford
  5. It's Eric Clapton's birthday. Write a story with the title of an Eric Clapton song.

Character Names
Larissa, Ferdinand, Alma, Woodrow, Amelia, Alexandra

Character Traits
  • Likely to be successful in may fields, including the military, police, hunting, politics, chemistry, engineering, metalwork (especially weapons) or naturalist.
  • Lucky in love, too, although often too independent to make a success of marriage.
  • Willing to take risks, which can lead to them making an unusual or unique distinction within their careers.
  • Can recognise quickly that there is a problem and the reasons for it, but they are not necessarily the ones who come up with a solution.
  • They have many friends, and their friends will help them achieve their ambitions.
  • Popular with the public.
  • Honest, fair and truthful in all their dealings.
  • If they have children, they are likely to be boys.
  • Spiritually aware and possibly psychic. Interested in meditation and symbolism.
  • Likely to enjoy hunting.
  • At some point in their lives they may face a deadly fight to save their situation, community or even themselves.
  • Can be self centred and narcissistic.
  • Have the ability to make the unworkable work.
  • Need to beware of intolerance, violence or destruction which is connected to success.

Possible Themes
Seeing through false appearances.
Physical sight.


A hunting rifle; a statue of a nude woman; tree roots; eyeballs.

Friday, 29 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 29 March

How to use these prompts

Carpets on a roof.
Are they magic ones, perhaps?


  1. "Don't be afraid of your darker side. Have fun with it." Deanna Troi
  2. It's the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors, meaning an illusion or something which is not as it appears to be. Someone is hiding something, or pretending to be something they are not.
  3. In 1967, the Beatles started recording "With A Little Help From My Friends". Write about someone who gets a little help from their friends.
  4. In 2013, scientists in New Jersey announced that they had created robotic ants. Write a story in which robotic ants are taking over the world.
  5. In 1912, Robert Falcon Scott, trapped in a blizzard, wrote in his diary for the last time. Write about an explorer who is stuck and all seems lost. He doesn't think he is going to make it home. What does he write? Does rescue come at the last minute or does he suffer the same fate as Scott?

Character Names
Tatiana, Jonas, Augusta, Lois, Willard, Eustace

Character Traits
  • Courageous and confident, willing to tackle the difficult and dangerous head on. However, they can be over-confident to the point of recklessness.
  • Believe it is better to do something than nothing, and will do what they think is right, without necessarily analysing the situation or thinking it through.
  • Can think on their feet and adapt quickly.
  • Frank, honest and truthful with nothing to hide.
  • Make loyal friends but formidable foes.
  • Good at public speaking.
  • Not good at asking for help or taking orders.
  • Seek recognition and the admiration of others.
  • Will not marry if they have to give up their freedom in order to do so.
  • All activities to do with words are favoured - writing, rhetoric, philosophy.
  • May choose a career in the army or navy, as a gunsmith, teacher, school administrator or medicine, in particular geriatrics.
  • Need to beware of daydreaming, idle curiosity and impatience.

Possible Themes
Rules and structure.
Inner pride.
Looking for inspiration and guidance.


A crystal ball; a balcony; a finger post; a hookah.

Thursday, 28 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 28 March

How to use these prompts

There's a knock on your door.
You open it, and this is what you see.
What do you do?


  1. "To be great is to be misunderstood." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. It's Defy Death Day. Write about someone who defies death.
  3. Radio Caroline began broadcasting from a ship on this date in 1964. Write about a pirate radio station, on a ship or other secret location. Who are the people running it, and why? What part does it play in people's lives? Does it somehow succeed when regular stations fail? What happens if or when the authorities try to shut it down?
  4. "He was dull in a new way, and that made people think him great." Samuel Johnson
  5. In 1881 Barnum and Bailey formed their circus partnership. Write a story set in a circus.

Character Names
Gideon, Johanna, Jermaine, Ebony, Elma, Elmer

Character Traits
  • Quarrelsome, critical and sarcastic troublemakers, who hurt people with words. However, this may be that they are the ones who are prepared to say aloud what everyone else is thinking.
  • Excellent at verbal sparring matches.
  • Lack confidence in their ability to succeed.
  • Either very talkative or very reticent.
  • May choose to live in poverty and be a "professional beggar".
  • Otherwise they may choose to work in dentistry, dancing, sculpting; or a career that requires them to be aggressive, which will be an outlet for their violent impulses.
  • May have chips on their shoulders.
  • Morally brave with a keen sense of duty.
  • Mentally sharp and perceptive.
  • Tendency to brood.
  • Have a sense of style and pay attention to their appearance.
  • Can be fickle and easily distracted.
  • Lives are usually uneventful and not blessed with prosperity or good luck. They may die young.

Possible Themes
Magic protection.
Ruthless leaders.
Actions taken behind the scenes.
Steadfastness of purpose.
Hurtful words.
Messages coming out of the blue.


A woman's hat with streamers; a mangy dog; snow; a lizard; blue satin; pointed shoes.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 27 March

How to use these prompts

Who are these people and what are they doing?
A fun day out by the sea, or something else?


  1. Today is the birthday of Patty Smith Hill, who co-wrote the song, "Happy Birthday to you". Write a story about a birthday party.
  2. "A lie can be halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on." James Callaghan
  3. It's world Theatre Day. Write a story set in a theatre.
  4. It's also Skyscraper Day - so write a story set in or around a skyscraper.
  5. "It was early in the morning of March the twenty-seventh that I took to the road." Basha (17th century Japanese poet)

Character Names
Dita, Saul, Rita, Alexandra, Lydia, Gale, Bradford, Peyton, Ernest, Ralph, Raymond

Character Traits
  • Detest violence and will use diplomacy or cunning, even trickery and lies, to get what they want in preference.
  • Able to think on their feet and get out of tight spots.
  • Love nature and respect living things.
  • Not particularly ambitious, tend not to have leadership skills and lack confidence, but nevertheless often find themselves in positions of authority.
  • Friendly, courteous and sociable, interested in psychology and communication - but tend to be loners who don't place much importance on building and maintaining relationships, so they can end up lonely in later life. They have a need to withdraw from people into nature from time to time for quiet and relaxation.
  • If they marry, the marriage is likely to be happy.
  • May have difficulty integrating the spiritual with the material, so from a spiritual perspective, wealth and success is not good for them. Attachment to status or possessions can be harmful.
  • Enjoy sport and "the chase".
  • Conservative - dislike change.
  • Versatile and able to multi-task. Hence they'll do well in most professions but may be drawn to forestry or horticulture, butchery, diamond cutting or setting, dancing, sociology, writing or the arts.
  • At ease in foreign countries.
  • Nervous irritation is possible.
  • Danger of accidents connected with fire, or bankruptcy.

Possible Themes
Communication. Voicing opinions.


A fox; a wall; a bow and arrow; a wild rose tree; a double headed eagle.

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

A year of Writing prompts: 26 March

How to use these prompts

Why is this woman climbing through a window?
Are these two friends?
What happens next?


  1. "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in." Robert Frost
  2. "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek." Joseph Campbell
  3. It's Solitude Day. Write about someone who is alone, whether they want to be or not.
  4. Make Up Your Holiday. Write about a fictitious holiday. It can be one which is observed by people on an imaginary world, or one that a group of people on this world have decided to establish. What is the story behind the holiday? How do people celebrate it? What happens to your protagonist as a result of their, or other people's, celebrations?
  5. It's the birthday of Erica Jong, who wrote "Fear of Flying". Write about someone who is afraid of flying. How does their fear limit their life? Do they do anything about it? What prompts them to take action? What happens?

Character Names
Emmanuel, Carter, Olive, Theodore, Felix

Character Traits
  • Born leaders who are likely to rise to the top of whichever field they choose.
  • Likely choices are politics, science, in particular botany and zoology, and distillery.
  • They could even rise as high as being a king or queen - or the power behind the throne influencing a monarch.
  • They will look down at the masses from great heights. This may be figuratively as a result of choosing a career in aviation, mountain climbing or high intellectual fields like cosmology.
  • Their path to the top is smooth but not without its dangers. They need to beware of oversights and carelessness.
  • Restless, always moving onwards and upwards. When they reach their goal, they will already be looking to the next one.
  • This applies to romance, too - they don't want to be tied down and may well have a string of relationships with each new partner being younger and more beautiful than the last.
  • Become frustrated if they don't get what they want.
  • Good at classifying things.
  • May have a cruel streak.
  • Need to beware of accidents involving fire.

Possible Themes
Unsatisfied ambitions.
Collective action, unions.
Division of labour.
Walls and fences.


A ravine; the colour green; copper; an aquamarine naval ring; a honeybee.

Monday, 25 March 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 25 March

How to use these prompts

Who or what is the orange figure?
An alien trying to find their way?
Or a person dressed up? If so, why?

  1. Today is the feast day of St Dismas, who according to legend was the thief crucified next to Christ. He's the one who was promised a place in heaven. Write a story about something that happened earlier in his life. How did he end up becoming a thief? How was he caught?
  2. It's Bed-In day, which celebrates John Lennon and Yoko Ono holding a bed-in for peace. Write about someone who refuses to get out of bed.
  3. It's Elton John's birthday. Write a story based on an Elton John song.
  4. It's Lady Day. It's said that if Lady Day falls on Easter Sunday it is an evil omen for England. Imagine this has happened. What evil befalls England?
  5. "I have never married because I cannot mate in captivity." Gloria Steinem

Character Names
Marion, Marina, Mara, Marianne, Mario, Maria, Mary, Harold, Herman, Kyle

Character Traits
  • Gifted with courage, strength of will and tenacity.
  • Which they are likely to need as there are often insurmountable difficulties, reversals of fortune and crosses to bear in their lives. Using their gifts, they will get through and rise above and end up not only comfortable, but in a position to help others.
  • May have a disability or be blind. Thyroid problems and injuries resulting from accidents are possible.
  • Appreciate beauty and fine arts.
  • Creative.
  • Ambitious.
  • Will either be highly spiritual or highly materialistic.
  • Make good parents as they are strong, steady and noble.
  • Can be negative, argumentative and not very sociable.
  • Practical and balanced.
  • Need to beware of giving in to doom and gloom.
  • Can be ungrounded at times.
  • The careers they may be attracted to are those involving food, research into drugs, religion, aviators, hairdressers or barbers.

Possible Themes
The sense of taste.
Privileges gained through hard work; honorary titles, recognition.
Courage and perseverance.
Self expression.

Golden wings; a mountain; a harp; an electric guitar; an axe.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 24 March

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
What is the function of the building in the background?
What happens to this couple if they go inside?


  1. "If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself." Alan Sugar
  2. On Harry Houdini's birthday, write about someone who escapes from somewhere.
  3. In 1877, the Oxford and Cambridge boat race ended in a dead heat for the first and only time. Imagine this has happened again. The teams must decide the winner by means of a tie breaker. What tie breaker do they decide on, and what happens?
  4. It's the birthday of Joseph Barbera, one of the animators behind such shows as The Flinstones, Scooby Doo and the Jetsons. Write an episode of one of these shows.
  5. "The 24th of March was known as the day of blood." Joseph Campbell

Character Names
Gabriel, Karina, Ursula, Lloyd, Floyd, Marek, Raphael

Character Traits
  • Have a natural affinity for nature, and prefer to live simple lives away from the city and the rat race.
  • They may shun formal education, preferring the wisdom of the natural world; yet could end up advising those who are conventionally educated on matters pertaining to the natural world.
  • Can appear brusque and irritable, but are generous, honourable and compassionate.
  • Love sports.
  • Even with a rustic style, they can have a tendency to be vain.
  • Good at maths and with finances.
  • Creative expression comes through writing, in particular poetry.
  • Value truth and honesty. Deception and lies make them angry, an anger they find hard to conceal. They also find dishonesty hard to forgive.
  • Sometimes behave like a brat, but are endearing all the same.
  • Do well in careers relating to security (police, military) the law, engineering or aviation.
  • Usually lucky, but can be accident prone and could even suffer a violent death.
  • There may be one major encounter which brings about crucial events and changes.
  • Selfishness and self-indulgence could bring about their downfall.

Possible Themes
Being oneself away from family influences.
Rebellion against appointed roles and belief systems.
Secret love affairs.


A whip; shrubs; a falcon; a dagger with a bent point.