Sunday, 3 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 3

How to use these prompts

Write about this family of scarecrows.
What kind of adventures might they get up to?


  1. It's the birthday of George Pullman, who invented the railway sleeping car. Write about a family going on an overnight train journey.
  2. "Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it's the only one we have". Alain
  3. It's Town Meeting Day. Write a story about a town which holds a meeting. Every resident is required to attend. Why?
  4. On the third day of the third month, write a story in which the number three features prominently.
  5. In 1887, Anne Sullivan arrived at the Keller household to take up the post of Helen Keller's teacher. Write about a special relationship between a child with special needs and their teacher.

Character Names
Cornelia, Nona, Nonita, Hattie, Duane

Character Traits
  • Often believe they have a special mission in life, and will pursue it without swerving.
  • Keen powers of observation and insight.
  • Not always rational.
  • At their best, genial and generous, sympathetic and sincere.
  • At their worst, irritable, aggressive, prone to gambling and likely to end up in court over shady transactions.
  • Confident and firm in their beliefs.
  • Fond of family and helpful to friends.
  • Usually healthy, and enjoy prosperity and good fortune.
  • Likely to gain a position of responsibility, although probably not without help from others. Possible careers include teaching, business, politics, law, religion or writing. Leadership positions likely.
  • Their lives can be unsettled.
  • Love travel and are likely to make long journeys to remote parts of the world.
  • Well prepared for life. Leave nothing to chance.
  • Need to beware of violent confrontations.
  • Foolhardiness may endanger their lives.

Possible Themes
Perfecting a skill through practice.
Being prepared; fire drills, smoke alarms; gas masks and bomb shelters.
Physical and moral strength.
Spiritual harvest.


An arrow; a dagger; an archangel; a cloud of smoke; fruit on a silver tray.

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