Tuesday, 12 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 12

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?
What are the three men running away from?
What does the lady with the dog do next?


  1. In 1832 Charles Cunningham Boycott was born, from whom we get the term "to boycott". Write about something or someone which is boycotted.
  2. "All of life is a foreign country." Jack Kerouac
  3. In 1877, the first major US department store opened. Write a story set in a department store.
  4. The Hell's Angels were founded in 1948. Write a story about a chapter of the Hell's Angels, who do something people wouldn't expect a bunch of Hell's Angels to do.
  5. In 1986, the heaviest domestic cat on record died at the age of 10. Write a tale about a fat cat.

Character Names
Gregory, Greg, Griffin, Keisha, Maximilian, Victor, Victoria, Bernard

Character Traits
  • Will seek after luxury and an easy life.
  • Enjoy spiritual pursuits and meditation.
  • Idealistic. Not always practical.
  • Others may find their views on sex challenging - there's a possibility they will enslave the vulnerable using sexual power, or becomes slaves themselves, to their own desires.
  • Likely to deceive or be deceived.
  • Courteous and well-dressed.
  • Sudden and unexpected things happen to them.
  • Particular danger from fire, fever, cuts and blows. Night-time is a particularly risky time.
  • May find themselves in overcrowded conditions, and yet still be lonely.
  • Physically and mentally strong.
  • Could suffer from a split personality or a conflict within themselves.
  • May be attracted to a career based on image, such as modelling. Otherwise, business, science, media or fine arts.
  • Do not always achieve their ambitions.
  • Assertive, with a magnetic personality.

Possible Themes
Union, cohabitation, marriage. Sex.
Water, wetness, seeping, flooding.
Being adaptable.


A column of smoke; a giant ape; a tiny island in an expanse of ocean; a bed.

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