Thursday, 14 March 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: March 14

How to use these prompts

Where is this?
Choose one of the people and tell their story.
Where do they come from and why are they here?


  1. It's Pi Day and also Albert Einstein's birthday. Write a story about a science or maths geek who makes good.
  2. Butterflies, moths and spiders have awareness days dedicated to them today. Write a story featuring a spider, butterfly and/or moth.
  3. "God does not play dice with the universe." Albert Einstein
  4. In 1950, the FBI released its first Most Wanted List. Write about someone who is on the Most Wanted List, even though they are innocent.
  5. Yesterday, we wrote about a genteel tea party. Today was the day the Mad Hatter's tea party began, so today write about a chaotic, crazy tea party.

Character Names
Matilda, Tilda, Ulrika, Mildred, Carson, Leon, Maud

Character Traits
  • Thin and frail looking.
  • Artistic, with a rich inner life. Vivid imagination and literary talent.
  • Tend to get what they want, possibly due to determination or by simply adapting their wants so the achievable is what they want.
  • Clever, inventive and practical. Good organisers.
  • Love to travel, but travel can be a source of danger to them.
  • Defend their possessions, ideas and faith.
  • Likely to belong to a close knit group of friends who will defend them.
  • A searcher and a seeker, but do not take to change easily.
  • Penetrating insight.
  • Mature, self-reliant and determined.
  • Females may become heroines or female gangsters.
  • Men will find women a cause of trouble.
  • Possible careers include education, law or publishing.
  • May experience the death of a friend or partner.
  • Self destructive thinking may be their downfall.
  • May be fearful of old age.

Possible Themes
Separation and divorce.
Renunciation of violence.
Different perspectives.
Transferable skills; diversifying.
New job, new start.


A new moon; a field of corn; a spear; a shield; a hazel dowsing rod.

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