Sunday, 24 March 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 24 March

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
What is the function of the building in the background?
What happens to this couple if they go inside?


  1. "If you take care of your character, your reputation will take care of itself." Alan Sugar
  2. On Harry Houdini's birthday, write about someone who escapes from somewhere.
  3. In 1877, the Oxford and Cambridge boat race ended in a dead heat for the first and only time. Imagine this has happened again. The teams must decide the winner by means of a tie breaker. What tie breaker do they decide on, and what happens?
  4. It's the birthday of Joseph Barbera, one of the animators behind such shows as The Flinstones, Scooby Doo and the Jetsons. Write an episode of one of these shows.
  5. "The 24th of March was known as the day of blood." Joseph Campbell

Character Names
Gabriel, Karina, Ursula, Lloyd, Floyd, Marek, Raphael

Character Traits
  • Have a natural affinity for nature, and prefer to live simple lives away from the city and the rat race.
  • They may shun formal education, preferring the wisdom of the natural world; yet could end up advising those who are conventionally educated on matters pertaining to the natural world.
  • Can appear brusque and irritable, but are generous, honourable and compassionate.
  • Love sports.
  • Even with a rustic style, they can have a tendency to be vain.
  • Good at maths and with finances.
  • Creative expression comes through writing, in particular poetry.
  • Value truth and honesty. Deception and lies make them angry, an anger they find hard to conceal. They also find dishonesty hard to forgive.
  • Sometimes behave like a brat, but are endearing all the same.
  • Do well in careers relating to security (police, military) the law, engineering or aviation.
  • Usually lucky, but can be accident prone and could even suffer a violent death.
  • There may be one major encounter which brings about crucial events and changes.
  • Selfishness and self-indulgence could bring about their downfall.

Possible Themes
Being oneself away from family influences.
Rebellion against appointed roles and belief systems.
Secret love affairs.


A whip; shrubs; a falcon; a dagger with a bent point.

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