Wednesday, 13 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 13

How to use these prompts

Who are these men and why are they fighting?
Who wins?
What happens next?
Who's the guy in the background?

  1. Halley's Comet was visible in 607 and 1758 and in 1986, a space probe was sent up to it. Write a story featuring Halley's Comet. Is it an omen? Or merely an object for scientific study? Did the space probe find anything surprising?
  2. In 1935, driving tests were introduced in the UK. Write a story about a disastrous driving test.
  3. It's the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientologists. Write a story about someone who gets mixed up with a cult (to avoid lawsuits from Scientology, make it a fictitious one!)
  4. "There is a condition worse than blindness, and that is seeing something that isn't there." L. Ron Hubbard
  5. It's also the birthday of Charles Earl Grey, who gave his name to Earl Grey tea. Write a story centred around a genteel tea party.

Character Names
Christian, Ernest, Kristina, Lela, Blake, Patricia, Gregor, Iris

Character Traits
  • Generous with a pleasant disposition.
  • Enterprising and forward looking, successful in business ventures.
  • Active, impulsive, full of energy and purpose.
  • Nervous and restless.
  • Excellent strategic skills.
  • Have a sense of fair play and will fight for victory and right, whatever the cost.
  • Will take on opponents more powerful than they are yet still manage to run circles round them.
  • Likely to be reformers, healers or philanthropists.
  • Brave and defiant people whose lives will be full of adventure.
  • Strong and sensuous nature. Their physical dexterity is good.
  • Events in their lives happen unexpectedly and abruptly.
  • They have pleasant voices and may become actors or singers.
  • Military, diplomacy or top government office are also possible careers. Likely to enter a career which is difficult or dangerous.
  • Not afraid to say what they think. Have sharp tongues and may actually enjoy hurting feelings with words.
  • Danger of contracting cancer or gout.
  • Things which could cause their downfall include deception, vindictiveness, bigotry, blackmail, scandal, corruption.

Possible Themes
Cleansing; clearing the way for the new.
Redundancy, dismissals, forced retirement. 
Self sufficiency.
Debates, arguments, violent crusades.

A catapult; forked lightning; a flag; a crown; a sword; barking dogs; a giant bear.

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