Saturday, 16 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 16

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?
Why is the winged woman being shot at?
Does she survive?
What happens next?


  1. "Take my wife - Please." Henny Youngman
  2. Today is the Bacchinalia, a Roman festival of drunken revelry. Write about some people who go out with the intention of getting plastered. What do they do and what happens to them?
  3. It's Go To A Stranger's Wedding Day. Write about someone who, accidentally or on purpose, gatecrashes a wedding.
  4. The lava lamp was patented in 1971. Write a story featuring a lava lamp.
  5. 16 March 2001 was the only day between 1993 and 2002 when nobody committed suicide in the UK. Write about a suicide attempt which is prevented; or what might have been special about this day meaning nobody wanted to die.

Character Names
Elena, Herbert, Henrietta, Gabriel, Norville, Lacey, Chance, Dallas, Isabella, Hilary, Gilbert

Character Traits
  • Sharp, competent minds with a good understanding of a range of subjects. Fond of study.
  • Have a fear of loneliness.
  • Have a desire to serve humanity and may make a life-saving discovery.
  • Have wealthy friends who can advance their interests, but these people are not always to be trusted.
  • Place a good deal of trust in what experts say and what they learned in school. Can be misled by self-proclaimed experts.
  • A difficult early life, but they are ambitious and will rise to positions of responsibility through determined and persistent effort.
  • Drawn to old ways and they ways of their ancestors.
  • Get on well with old people, who will often do them favours.
  • Tendency to be obsessive.
  • May have a physical blemish or suffer from an illness such as eczema or diseases of the kidneys.
  • Could work well in a huge range of careers. May be drawn to occupations linked to the sea and foreign lands.
  • Danger that their movements will be restricted, possibly during their travels. Imprisonment is a possibility. The military may be connected with this.
  • Ignoring boundaries and breaking of rules can lead to their downfall.
  • Can be jealous, with emotions getting out of control.

Possible Themes
Ambition; potential abundance.
Cycles, the moon and tides.
Astrology and prediction.
Nature spirits.


A bird; a snake; a black cat; an old book; monkeys; a garden.

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