Saturday, 30 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 30 March

How to use these prompts

What's going on here?
Why is that woman tied to a chair?
Are either or both of the others there to rescue her?
What happens?


  1. It's Take A Walk In The Park Day. Write about someone who takes a walk in the park and something out of the ordinary happens.
  2. March
  3. In the French Revolutionary calendar, today is the Day of the Hatchery. Write about something which hatches.
  4. "He did not think me strange or older, Nor I him." Frances Cornford
  5. It's Eric Clapton's birthday. Write a story with the title of an Eric Clapton song.

Character Names
Larissa, Ferdinand, Alma, Woodrow, Amelia, Alexandra

Character Traits
  • Likely to be successful in may fields, including the military, police, hunting, politics, chemistry, engineering, metalwork (especially weapons) or naturalist.
  • Lucky in love, too, although often too independent to make a success of marriage.
  • Willing to take risks, which can lead to them making an unusual or unique distinction within their careers.
  • Can recognise quickly that there is a problem and the reasons for it, but they are not necessarily the ones who come up with a solution.
  • They have many friends, and their friends will help them achieve their ambitions.
  • Popular with the public.
  • Honest, fair and truthful in all their dealings.
  • If they have children, they are likely to be boys.
  • Spiritually aware and possibly psychic. Interested in meditation and symbolism.
  • Likely to enjoy hunting.
  • At some point in their lives they may face a deadly fight to save their situation, community or even themselves.
  • Can be self centred and narcissistic.
  • Have the ability to make the unworkable work.
  • Need to beware of intolerance, violence or destruction which is connected to success.

Possible Themes
Seeing through false appearances.
Physical sight.


A hunting rifle; a statue of a nude woman; tree roots; eyeballs.

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