Saturday, 23 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 23

How to use these prompts

Whose bed is this?
Describe this person (or people) and their life.


  1. "Man is a genius when he is dreaming." Akira Kurosawa
  2. It's cuddly kitten day, and national puppy day. Write a story featuring a kitten and/or a puppy.
  3. "Give me liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry
  4. In 1857 the first elevator was installed in New York. Write about some people who get stuck in a lift.
  5. It's Near Miss Day. In 1989 an asteroid came within 500,000 miles of Earth. Write about a near miss. It can be an asteroid, or something else entirely.

Character Names
Ivona, Ada, Adrian, Adriana, Adrienne, Felix, Pelagia, Rebecca, Gerda

Character Traits
  • Enjoy luxury and good company - but this can lead to excesses.
  • Prepared to reach out and help those who are suffering, or worse off than they are.
  • Will do their duty even if it means putting themselves in danger.
  • Have many friends.
  • Like the arts, especially literature and music.
  • Good at maths.
  • Have a good sense of humour, which, if nurtured, could lead to a career in comedy.
  • Other careers could be surgeon, osteopath, engineering and design, co-ordinating humanitarian charities.
  • Quick minds and intellects which help them solve practical problems.
  • Peace loving - avoid arguments like the plague.
  • Eager to get stuck in - which is sometimes misinterpreted as recklessness.
  • Can be possessive.
  • Possess peace of mind and good health.
  • Gutsy and incorrigible.

Possible Themes
Greed and generosity; excess and moderation.
Tradition, culture, pride in heritage.
Probing and cutting.


A carpet; a burning castle; the Great Pyramid; the brain.

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