Sunday, 31 March 2019

A year of writing prompts: 31 March

How to use these prompts

Who or what is reaching out for help?
Who or what is reaching down to help?


  1. "It was the last day of March. The joke shop was full of people getting ready for April Fool's Day." Marc Tolon Brown. It's the day before April Fool's so write about someone who is preparing an elaborate April Fool prank which backfires on them before midnight even arrives.
  2. "Duty largely consists of pretending that the trivial is critical." John Fowles.
  3. In 1905, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle resurrected his character Sherlock Holmes from the dead. Write about a character who everyone has believed to be dead for several years and who suddenly re-appears. What is the explanation for this? How does the character integrate his or herself back into their old life given that the world will have moved on without them?
  4. In 1889 the Eiffel Tower was officially completed. Write a story featuring the tower.
  5. It's around this time that British Summer Time starts and the clocks go forward an hour. Write about someone who forgets to change their clocks and shows up an hour late.

Character Names
Irma, Gina, Benjamin, Cornelia. Homer, Bethany, Nell. Esther

Character Traits
  • Mild mannered and amiable, often to the extent of never being able to say no, which can lead to others taking advantage of them.
  • They may get involved in romances for this reason, but they do enjoy secret love affairs and flirtation.
  • Good looking.
  • May have a disability of some kind; but may also have a gift or advantage of some kind.
  • There is a possibility they will be geniuses, but the breakthroughs they make are not always acceptable to the mainstream. They will be frustrated by this.
  • They like to keep active and enjoy physical challenges.
  • They enjoy mental challenges, too - innovative thinkers who enjoy games.
  • Sympathetic; want to help those who are suffering and champion the underdog.
  • Enjoy "holding court".
  • Hold themselves to high standards.
  • They recognise the best in others, and can be inspiring, but they can equally foster unhealthy dependencies and always want the upper hand.
  • Possible careers: railways, dealers in metal, manufacture of cotton goods, science, electrician, administrator or writer.
  • May fall foul of dictators.
  • Can be selfish and egotistical.

Possible Themes
Power and responsibility. 
Nobility, dignity.


A key; a telescope; a ribbon; a lamb; motes of dust.

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