Friday, 22 March 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 22

How to use these prompts

Who is this woman?
What does the letter she is reading say?
What action does she take as a result?


  1. For world water day, write a story which prominently features water. It can be the sea, a flood, a quest to provide a community in Africa with clean drinking water, a bath/shower - whatever you like.
  2. It's also Roller Coaster Day. Write about some people who go for a ride on one. What do they talk about before/during/after the ride? Does the ride change their lives in some way?
  3. "Being on the tightrope is living. Everything else is waiting." Karl Wallenda
  4. On the birthday of mime artist Marcel Marceau, write a story in which someone is communicating something of vital importance to someone else - without using any dialogue.
  5. On the future birthday of Captain Kirk, write either a story set in the Star Trek Universe (preferably original series with Kirk in it) or, if you're not familiar with it, a story about an impetuous, impulsive captain of any type of vessel you like.

Character Names
Leona, Tamara, Shannon, Tyler, Ty, Brian, Leah, Lea, Benedict, Victor, Isolda

Character Traits
  • Self-reliant with confidence in their own ability. This can lead to over-confidence and rash behaviour.
  • Self-sufficient - don't need a lot of friends. They can even be grumpy and anti-social.
  • Defend their opinions vigorously - they may impose their beliefs on others without regard for their feelings.
  • Good organisers.
  • Tendency to be envious of others.
  • Will get excited every now and then by a new idea or plan.
  • Tendency to show off.
  • May find that they are required, willingly or unwillingly, to give away that which they accumulate. If they do it willingly, they become benefactors or philanthropists.
  • Have an ability to uplift situations using humour.
  • Tendency to exceed the limits of society.
  • May go into medicine, diplomacy, religion, science, archaeology or occupations involving horses.
  • Danger of nervous breakdown through overwork.
  • May be silly or trivial at times to avoid reality.

Possible Themes
Healing and regeneration.
The trickster archetype.
Analysis, research, testing.
The wisdom of childlike behaviour.


A beautiful horse; snakes; a skylight of coloured glass; a sword; stone steps descending into darkness.

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